@Milwaukee Bucks

A message from Lauren Holiday via Instagram.

A message from Lauren Holiday via Instagram.

by shycoconut_


  1. CantHandletheJrueth

    I moved around a ton as a kid because of my dads job, guess what that’s life. This is quite literally the lifestyle you signed up for, and it’s one of the reasons your husband gets paid millions and millions of dollars.

    Human emotion to not like being traded but cry me a fucking river

  2. Phoenix didn’t even know they were getting Grayson before they agreed to the trade because it was so secretive.

    They probably thought that they couldn’t tell him in advance if they wanted it to stay a secret.

  3. I thought I read in an article that all impacted players were notified beforehand to the trade, that’s unfortunate if that didn’t happen.

    I also understand that the business is a part of it, but at the same time it does really suck for them too, this was/is a very close knit group and all we’ve heard from Jrue is that he planned on Milwaukee being his permanent home.

  4. Damn, so this trade was literally like thanos getting the soul stone.

  5. IntrepidAnalysis6940

    I have a few feelings, on the one side I feel bad and I feel like Milwaukee is different we are family. And I want so badly for them to be here with us. On another side I hope this isn’t in anyway directed at Giannis. I know people say he had no clue but let’s not be daft. Team would not pull that trigger without consulting franchise player the same way I am sure Philly consulted with embiid before letting go of jimmy. And ultimately jrue has come thru for us in big moments and he has spectacularly failed us in big moments. I went thru this wide range of emotions like oh no, to well does family go 4/18 often? Either way flack I want him to come back I want relationships mended.he has to see the other side of this also. Where he knows what it means to get a lillard.

  6. EcstaticCode682

    she has every right to be upset even though her husband makes millions of dollars. as she pointed out, they’re humans at the end of the day. the day before he went on the record about retiring as a buck. i see nothing wrong with her being open about their disappointment. i wish them luck in boston!! also, as she said, they invest millions of dollars into their community. not every NBA player does that. we can all have some empathy for them.

  7. It does suck.

    Even if they make great money, they’ve been traded before. But, just when you think you had a place to put your roots down at, boom , moving again. Probably felt like home after he won them the chip.

  8. Honey if you didn’t want this reality then you shouldn’t have married an NBA player

  9. bestatbeingmodest

    I mean I get where she’s coming from, and I think as a simple rant/vent post there’s nothing wrong with it. Pretty sure most if not all Bucks fans were sad to see Jrue go.

    If there was supposed to be some profound takeaway from this though then yeah, she’s lost me there. Like unless your husband is at least a top 10 player in the NBA, getting traded is *always* a possibility. That just comes with the career choice. Is she advocating for a league that doesn’t allow trades? I’m confused on what the main point being made here is.

    And that’s without mentioning that they live an incredibly privileged life, financially speaking. Like instead of being able to live comfortably and safe in Milwaukee, you now have to go do that in Boston. It’s not that serious lol. Sure, it sucks for the kids’ lives to be uprooted, but that happens to hundreds of millions of families every year.

  10. CreamCityFr34k

    I love Jrue forever, but this is the definition of have your cake and eat it too. This just comes off whiny and poorly thought out to me, and I have a lot of respect for both of them. This is the business, don’t get upset because one time it didn’t go the way you like lol

  11. thegodfaubel

    I think everyone was gutted that Jrue was traded because it was Jrue. And he and Lauren are so great in the community and it sucks. This just makes it even more so

  12. SconnieFella

    It’s unfortunately common that trades seem to always leak out to the news before the players are informed. I also don’t have an issue with the team not telling players they’re being discussed as part of trade before it actually happens.

  13. HoagieintheHouse9

    Jrue should’ve not iso balled his way to 47% true shooting then

  14. Man, this really sucks to see. I don’t understand why he can’t be given a heads up before this shit hits the media. Damn. Should have been handled better by the Bucks.

  15. Jrue and Lauren Holiday have a foundation that poured their heart and soul into the Wisconsin community. It is fair that she is as upset as she is. She put millions of dollars on the line along with Jrue.

  16. Comfortable-Win-5604

    Apparently Jrue cried after he found out or was very emotional when he heard

  17. I’ll be that guy: You make millions, there will have to be some sacrifice with that. We all loved Jrue but the bucks have a fiduciary responsibility to be the best they can be and to satisfy their generational star. Jrue, and I truly loved him on the bucks, had a shot to be ‘that guy’ last playoffs and honestly didn’t capitalize on it. The same way he wouldn’t and shouldn’t take a pay cut is the same way the business operates for the bucks, they do what’s best for them. Turkey the best of luck to the entire Holiday family but this is a business.

  18. QuestionEntirety

    It sucks, but that’s the life chosen when you sign up to play in the nba. As much as the “we’re just human” line is repeated, it’s missing the point. Nobody denies the emotional toll, but it was an agreement signed upon… nobody had to sign up. The fact that you are complaining despite having the opportunity to amass 100 million dollars shows a sense of overwhelming entitlement.

  19. This is an extremely fair statement and I wish people would, instead of getting defensive about it, instead appreciate that what you are being told is that Milwaukee, and this team and its people, were clearly special to them and it hurts to leave like this.

    Be empathetic; their lives somewhere they loved were just abruptly changed and they’re allowed to be unhappy at that and they’re allowed to wish things were different.

  20. cfoxtrot21

    Again, you don’t have to move. Ersan got traded about 10 times and never moved his family out of Mequon. They still live in the same house.

  21. sconnieboy97

    Look, I love Jrue, but are they not supposed to trade him because he does a lot of charity work? This statement is a mess and doesn’t propose any real alternative that is practical in a meritocratic sports environment.

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