@Brooklyn Nets

Would you take Harden back?

Who says no? We’re currently relying on Ben returning to form because our playmaking situation is so bad. Harden with our defense behind him could be really fun. Royce and Spence would fit nicely on the Sixers and don’t think either will be on our team for the long haul.

by johnjohnjohn93


  1. TheRealCheddarBob

    If it just cost those two expiring players then sure, but Morey would hold out for a lot more and Harden would rather be in LA so it’s not an option

  2. Wonkiest_Hornet

    Absolutely not. No. Never. Not in a million years.

  3. Brooklyn917

    How many unprotected 1st are the Sixers sending? if its none then the quitter can stay over there

  4. Easily, I don’t give a shit about dinshitty. Giving up Royce would suck but harden is infinitely better than Royce

  5. Groady_Wang

    If it gets Dinwiddie off the team yes. Hate to see Royce go tho

  6. EddyTreeNJ

    The Nets are talking about building a great culture. They’re not going to bring in any players like Harden.

  7. ishouldgetoutside

    A thousand times yes. Our roster is readymade for Houston harden

  8. fucksports

    Fuck no. He’s on a 1 year contract and we are not competing for a chip this year. It would get us literally nowhere and it would make the organization look spineless.

  9. GSAV_Crimson

    “We’re currently relying on Ben Simmons on returning to form.”

    Just like we would be relying on James Harden on returning to form AND to stop being a fucking diva. No thanks.

  10. Doctor-Bagels

    He’s cursed by lil b so we would never win a title


  11. rtels2023

    Regardless of what others are saying of not wanting Harden…why tf would the Sixers take this? They’re giving up a perennial All-Star for two borderline starters on a team that is at least trying to make a push to contend for a title? It would take a lot of draft capital, more than we should give up, to make this deal work.

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