@Boston Celtics

Jrue’s wife Lauren on unexpected trade

Jrue’s wife Lauren on unexpected trade

by ChipotleGuacamole


  1. TheChickenWasDry

    Wonder how players who just get passed around the league manage

  2. BlankPages

    Trade Lauren Holiday to Milwaukee for Giannis

  3. MaximusGrip

    Bucks fan coming in momentary peace. This dude and his family are some of the best people surrounding the NBA. They genuinely want to aid and take pride in being a part of their teams community. Take good care of the Holiday family.

  4. PuzzleheadedMonth785

    Jonathan loughran will be alright with all those M’s coming their way

  5. SteamingHotChocolate

    Kind of like a certain somebody who loved and trusted

  6. ThaUniversal

    There are other jobs her husband could have that would not move them around like this. My company is hiring and lots of positions are remote, however, the pay will be quite different.

    Think Jrue would be open to an entry level developer position?

  7. Gold medalist and World Cup champion Lauren Holiday. Let’s put some respect on her name and not just call her Jrue’s wife.

  8. hypercafspazz

    Yeah it must be tough. Tbh these people have every possible resource known available. Everyday people struggle with moves and with much less resource. With the way the world is now it’s kinda tone deaf imo for people with this kinda income to bitch about stuff. Sorry

    Edit: downvote me, it’s just how I feel

  9. OldTurkeyTail

    This is a nice and thoughtful post from Lauren. But inquiring minds want to know, when Jrue’s on the road and his wife is home – does he consider it a Lauren Holiday? (or is that more like visiting her parents on Christmas).

  10. KyrieLS777

    I feel for them and their kiddos. I know Boston will welcome them and I hope they are able to feel at home soon.

    Also, the way Jrue speaks about his wife – you can just tell he’s a good man. Love that.

  11. captaing1

    I don’t want to be rude but this is the downside of being an athlete. What would heads up do for you in the situation? You can mentally prepare the kids to not see their friends in a few days?

    You can pay me 30 mil a year and trade me every month if you want to.

  12. ChickenWhiskers

    I’m so stoked that Brad seems to collect dudes with solid moral stature (mostly. You don’t need to tell me.). Jrue’s gonna be extremely easy to root for.

  13. brickvanexel

    Clowns in the main r/nba thread completely misreading this statement, sadly clowns here too. Of course the money helps, doesn’t mean people can’t be sad they have to uproot their lives on a moment’s notice because their employer sold them elsewhere. She’s not even complaining about moving to Boston, just stating it’s hard to leave a community where you feel comfortable and your kids have built friendships.

  14. johngannon8

    As a shy kid growing up I feel for the children having to adjust to a new environment. That being said, it’s big money and owners are focused on winning. It’s royalty over loyalty in business.

    That being said, much love to the holiday family and I’m hoping they feel at home here.

  15. Such a tone deaf statement. Trades come with the privilege of being a professional athlete, of receiving millions upon millions of dollars to play a game.

    There’s nothing stopping these people from keeping a home in Milwaukee or moving back when he retires. Regular people don’t want to hear this shit.

  16. captaincumsock69

    While I understand where she’s coming from. I think it can be difficult for teams to give a heads up to players. That type of stuff leaking out can often make or break trades and also these trades can materialize very rapidly

  17. I honestly couldn’t be happier that they are in the Celtics family now. Jrue Holiday has been my favorite non Celtic in the NBA for years, they just seem like amazing people

  18. Chuckyducky6

    Awwwwww waaaahhhhh!!! Look at me! I have to move for work like tons of other families do every day!!! Shut the fuck up.

  19. BeepBoopBeepity

    You are welcome in Boston, Holidays! Let’s give them a smooth transition.

  20. Who_ate_my_cookie

    It’s funny how when it’s a Celtics player traded the consensus is “ooh wow of course these guys are ruthless and terrible” , but when it’s any other team /r/nba is indifferent.

    She didn’t even say anything bad, just being open and honest about how moving cities sucks as an NBA player

  21. Jaythepatsfan

    Meanwhile all the military brats are like…I move all the time and my dad makes 60k a year.

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