😍 This past year, Ant has talked SO much about how he loves basketball, [watches basketball all the time](https://youtu.be/VddiZLQC-DI?si=Z7UCT_O4KPcC8Ifu&t=77), and always wants an excuse to play simply because it’s fun.
It’s been so cool to watch Ant go from walking around bored in those random 5 point games 😂 to now becoming more engaged, reading defenses and [dissecting film with Slomo and Conley](https://www.minnpost.com/sports/2023/04/greater-expectations-not-met-with-greater-results-in-entertaining-but-disappointing-season-for-wolves/#:~:text=And%20seeing%20Ant,the%20day%20before). “A constant scene in the locker room after the game in the final 24 regular-season games and the five in the playoffs was to see Edwards seated right next to Conley picking his brain on what went right and what went wrong that night.” – [Jon K literally yesterday](https://theathletic.com/4924375/2023/10/04/mike-conley-timberwolves-rejuvenated/#:~:text=A%20constant%20scene%20in%20the%20locker%20room%20after%20the%20game%20in%20the%20final%2024%20regular%2Dseason%20games%20and%20the%20five%20in%20the%20playoffs%20was%20to%20see%20Edwards%20seated%20right%20next%20to%20Conley%20picking%20his%20brain%20on%20what%20went%20right%20and%20what%20went%20wrong%20that%20night) lol
I feel like I’m watching a kid fall in love with basketball and it’s fucking awesome.
by Slim-Ticket