@Golden State Warriors

Why Rudy Gay Was A SOLID Signing For The Golden State Warriors

Rudy is now a Golden State Warrior. He was a solid pickup for the Warriors as his veteran presence will definitely help out the young guys. But just how good can he be? Watch on to find out. Hope you enjoy!

#goldenstatewarriors #nba


  1. Rudy Gay was a nice pick up. Think of him as this seasons Otto Porter! He's a lot bigger then you think! Both he and Corey Joseph learned under Pop which makes them perfect for the Dubs…

  2. I'll be shocked if he makes it through camp and onto the roster. There is a reason he has bounced around the league as much as he has in recent years. The team is old and slow enough as it is They don't need even more old Vets for Kerr to play instead of some younger players.

  3. Warriors tend to go for a few decent signings instead of one really good one. And 37 year old 6 8 Rudy Gay is barely decent for them

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