@New York Knicks

[Fischer] Jake Fischer on Julius Randle moving from CAA to join WME Agency. “I am starting to wonder… particularly after changing to WME. That’s something that some people around the League have suggested to me, is a potential trade situation to look out for.”

[Fischer] Jake Fischer on Julius Randle moving from CAA to join WME Agency. “I am starting to wonder… particularly after changing to WME. That’s something that some people around the League have suggested to me, is a potential trade situation to look out for.”

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. When was the last time a player changed agency because a trade was in play? Genuinely curious. Don’t give us that “some people have suggested” BS Jake.

  2. Soup_Commie

    I am aggressively skeptical of the idea that Julius is getting traded unless Giannis/Jokic/Luka/Embiid is available and the other team is adamant they get Julius in the trade (a scenario I do not suspect is ever going to occur).

    Like, Julius is very close with the FO. Who is the team that would actually want Julius who could offer a return good enough to make it worth trading a player the knicks are most likely very high on? Like, I genuinely cannot think of a trade that involves him that actually makes sense for both parties in the deal.

  3. Snuggle__Monster

    I don’t get the vibe from him talking a training camp that he’s unhappy, on the outs with management or getting traded.

  4. Usknicks97

    a lot of people said he changed agencies due to marketing opportunities and we immediately see him with a sketchers deal. Fischer is a hack

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