@National Basketball Association

Kevin Durant answering some questions

Kevin Durant answering some questions

by RiceIceRice


  1. Purples_A_Fruit

    That is not a good angle for his forehead . . .

  2. >Favorite movie: Anything Avengers

    It all makes sense now

  3. Kwilly462

    KD liking superhero stuff humanizes him for me. Always feel like most athletes feel above that genre. Like it’s too “nerdy” for them.

  4. humandignitybloc

    Got say the last name I was expecting to hear at the end there was my boy Khabib.

  5. VegetableBet4509

    Islam > Khabib when its all said and done


    I’m not saying Islam is better than Khabib now, i’m saying when he’s retired he will be ranked higher. Khabib retired too soon. He’ll always be a what-if. Three victories, dominant as they were, over guys with similar styles that are favorable matchups for you isn’t enough to cement his place in history over a fighter still in his prime.

  6. Dantheman12310

    Can’t believe KD forgot about Thunderstruck

  7. Khabib barely posts on social media though 😂. Usually just some random ad from his manager nowadays.

  8. bungajaji

    Wow seriously KD follows Khabib? o.O Did not expect this

  9. IMovedYourCheese

    “Favorite athlete to follow on social media”

    Man couldn’t say Olivia Dunne in public.

  10. Tapatio_guys_hat

    He just fucking sucks in every way possible

  11. pnplparadise_03

    That is the cleanest ive ever seen his hair.

  12. DrHandBanana

    Khabib was the most surprising answer here. We already know what he said he’d do for Scarlett Johansson

  13. charliemansonisback

    Anything Avengers is such a lame answer. Sun’s to crash this season

  14. charliemansonisback

    Anything Avengers is such a lame answer. Sun’s to crash this season

  15. Initial-Stick-561

    Never would I have guessed that KD is a dagestani bro deep in his heart! Salam alaykum brotha!

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