@Milwaukee Bucks

How To Keep Your Superstar

The Bucks’ move to get Damian Lillard is a prime example of how an NBA exec is supposed to keep their star happy. Giannis could’ve hit free agency after this current deal, but the Dame trade should assure the Giannis will re-sign. #basketball #commentary #nba


  1. I don't understand how the 2021 bucks stumbled into the finals and won. Can someone explain?
    (The only "lucky" thing I can think about is probably KD's big ass feet)

  2. Bro, they could have won 2 championship if only Khris Middleton would actually play like Giannis plays. In 2022, the Bucks without Middleton took the Celtics to 7 games. The only issue is that only Giannis could score really. Dude averaged 34 and 15. I mean he can't do everything by himself. Middleton let him down. Role players let him down. They could have beaten Boston and the Heat that yr too. In the finals, Giannis would have destroyed that Warriors defense. Draymond vs Giannis 🤣🤣🤣

  3. A certain small market organization had the best player in the league for 7 years and didn’t make moves to keep their superstar. I prefer not to speak

  4. I cannot wait for Jrue to lock up little Damian Lillard year after fucking year as he cries and flops to the fucking refs.

    Yeah it's one thing to shoot amazing half court shots against career playoff underachievers in George Paul and James Soften… but do it when it actually fucking matters.

    Do it against Jimmy Butler and that gimmick zone defense. Do it against the Celtics. Do it against REAL teams.

  5. bro can we stop with this dumbass conversation. the team that wins the title deserves it stop whining and complaining that your team lost. get over it already.

  6. The Bucks front office has done everything a small market team can possibly do to keep Giannis happy. If he leaves in the next few seasons anyways you can still sleep at night knowing there was nothing more you could have done to prevent that.

  7. I’m sorry but what? How did the bucks stumble into their championship?? A 50 piece close out game seems like the exact opposite of “stumbling” into a ring…

  8. As a resident of Milwaukee, The Bucks keeping Giannis is important to the city in more ways than just basketball. The bucks being relevant and successful is huge for the cities economy.

  9. Jrue is great, but Dame will steal a game or two by himself in a playoff run. He will drop 40 or 50 and win them a game they had no business winning. I actually sense they would have beaten Miami with Dame, but I digress.

  10. Props to Giannis for taking control of his own destiny by being assertive about his intentions. Due to the butterfly effect everyone else is a better or equal situation too (Ayton/Dame/Blazers /Jrue etc).

  11. Well, it’s also up to the superstar to be committed to a franchise as well. Giannis is a rare breed of loyalty and production that allows him to demand the most out of his front office.

  12. It's really amazing what happens when you don't go scorched earth immediately. Giannis didn't say "I'm leaving fuck yall." He didn't even say "Do this or I'm gone." Giannis knows how to act diplomatically with his team, and it's something alot of superstars should emulate.

  13. Giannis has respect for Milwaukee as an organization and a city. The bucks have respect for his talents and his accomplishments he has brought to the city and team. Both want to achieve more success so they are working together genuinely not just some fake promises to the fans and each other but real effort to field a contender and to make a real push for the title none of the cryptic comments and broken promises like other teams both parties hav their egos in check

  14. Giannis: show me your committed to winning and I'll sign

    Bucks : heres Dame

    Giannis : Cool

  15. But if every body could do this dame wont leave so in order for this to happen someone needs to not be able to do this

  16. Giannis also gets 60m+ by not signing this year. It had nothing to do with a trade or not but with the new TV deaal

  17. The Bucks front office literally addressed every single critique that fans had against them this offseason:

    Lack of defensive adjustments? They hired a coach that sounds committing to doing new things, including using Giannis as a primary on ball wing defender
    Half court offense in the clutch? Well they hired Terry Stotts as a lead offensive coach, and acquired the best trade option they could have while also sending out the biggest issue with their half court offense
    Are we sick of Bud? They hired the coach Giannis wanted
    Are you just gonna keep running it back as is? They shook up everything they could while keeping the core in place
    Letting these older guys walk to save on luxury tax? Nope they re-signed both Khris and Brook to big money deals, and just took on a 60m/yr contract
    Clear #2 option with Khris's health in question? Well they got Dame, Khris is now a top 2-3 third option in the league
    Sick of the roster being old/fat? They prioritized getting some more athletic bodies involved (Beasley, Beauchamp, TyTy, Jackson)
    You want a true superstar duo? Here's motherfucking Damian Lillard

    The only critique now is perimeter defense, which is a result of trading Jrue for Dame. Which I'm sure they will live with and try and address at the deadline

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