@Los Angeles Clippers

I know it’s just 1 play in training but c’mon

Hope this isn’t an indicator of how the seasons going to go. They really should be setting an example for the younger guys. this just looks lazy

by brandizzle69


  1. Tbf, they are coming off an injury, let’s wait until the season starts before jumping to conclusions

  2. UrDadsFave

    All three of these dudes is old and y’all want to add a fat peer to this? 🤭

  3. Chessinmind

    People are really dumb if they’re taking issue with a walk thru.

  4. Snifflymoth416

    this means literally nothing I swear people will find any small reason to hate on kawhi and PG

  5. Not even a clippers fan but y’all really watched Russ for half a season and think that this video indicates how he’s gonna run the break?

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