@Toronto Raptors

Personnel vs. System w/ Samson Folk & Joe Wolfond

Samson Folk is joined by Joe Wolfond to discuss the Raptors.

0:00 – Tennis Writing

2:05 – Parsing through the media day quotes

4:48 – What change is coming? What will stay the same?

20:00 – Skillsets determine success

22:30 – Possession Differentials

28:00 – The Raptors hellacious offense

34:00 – Dame is underrated

35:20 – Selfishness as a buzz word

43:40 – Emulating the point guard skillset

45:07 – The excellent defense

47:50 – Scottie’s encouraging defense

53:00 – What kind of wings are the Raptors developing?

59:30 – Siakam’s extension

1:02:30 – Polarized expectations

1:05:15 – The path to polarized stances

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  1. Per basketball reference the Raptors had an 11th ranked offence and 12th ranked defence last year. The possession and transition stuff really buoyed their offence, and I feel like people lose context when they only talk about their half court offence. But yeah if they were 12th last year in defence I feel confident in saying they will be closer to the top this year.

  2. Can’t wait till the season starts and all the YouTubers complain about losing Fred eats their words. You guys under estimate this team by a far margin. Why do you think the league wants our players and why do you think Masai won’t trade Scottie for Durant. It’s coming, you just don’t have the vision.

  3. I love the Raptors Republic. This is by far the highest IQ NBA show period. I just made a FB post on the same subject, a few minutes before you posted this video. You guys explained it a lot better, lol. Trying to turn this roster into a great ball moving team will be like trying to put a square peg into a round hole. I love ball movement, but is Masai just "putting lipstick on a pig"? This roster is very limited offensively, the only way to make it better that way is to acquire better and more complete offensive players. What is the point of trying to create open shots, if you don't have the players who can hit those shots? I predict the Raps will turn the ball over so often that they quickly have to rethink their system.

  4. Masai's ramble about Fred made no sense, he was just defensive and trying to cover up his mistake, and poor judgement. At the trade deadline presser Masai said the same offers from the deadline would be available to the Raps in the off-season. He said the league has become a sign & trade league. He was wrong & Fred walked for nothing. Also at the trade deadline presser Masai said it is very hard and not ideal to make deals at the deadline. At this presser when asked about his potential free agents, he said if it is not working we can just trade them at the deadline. Masai's presser was so full of contradictions.

  5. the selfishness was based around guys looking out for their numbers due to reaching certain goals for future contracts. they was selfishness and many fans pointed it out. but that doesn't mean they're bad people, large amount of nba players have shown selfishness. selfishness is basically a business move, one way to combat this is for the front office to pay guys so their future isn't in limbo.

  6. More pumping up the narcissistic aholes. This channel is a joke. Keep your access to the msm and lose any respect you may have garnered. This team sucked with NN, FVV and Siakam running the show and it was plain to see for anyone who understands sports. Masai knows, Bobby knows and any rational fan knows. Who doesn’t know? Well those who made their bed around the narcissistic trio and want msm access . Those who attempted to make heroes of FVV and Siakam and NN. Two of the three are gone and #3 will be gone, hopefully sooner than later, and this team will be better off. You two are just a sad duo of milquetoast analysis. Hit the road cause Raptors fans deserve the truth not narratives. Truly sad and sickening.

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