@Milwaukee Bucks

1st person Giannis called after Dame trade? Jrue.

Beginning at about 19:40, Giannis spends 3 minutes talking about where he was when the trade went down, talking to Khris, calling Jrue, and some of the personal things they discussed. I hadn’t heard this, I thought Giannis just moved forward focused on winning. You can see his feelings of loss while at the same time being excited.

Mirrors how many of us feel as Bucks fans: “bittersweet.”

Giannis forever. Jrue forever.

by RichWardJrJr


  1. ElJefe970

    Not too surprised.

    Horst said he didn’t even mention this trade to Giannis cause he knew he’d be hesitant to let them trade jrue

  2. CursedRebel

    Makes sense. Jrue wasn’t just a random roleplayer. He was part of the Big 3 that won a championship with iconic plays. Giannis also said he was ready to run it back (like many of us thought also), hence working out with Hakeem, but now he’s practicing more positionless basketball with the team.

    Edit: Also, people saying Giannis knew and was ‘recruiting Dame all along’ are insane. Nobody thought we could get Dame — besides Jon Horst. Dame said so himself. When his agent brought up MIL he was like “Sure, if they can get it done…”.

  3. Snowwhitestaint

    Love how he mentions twice that he still finished all his work the day of the trade! Then spent 2 days decompressing and reflecting, before moving forward.

  4. Gener8tor67

    His interviews are inspiring. Everything he does seems to be purposeful and thoughtful. How can someone so young be so wise.

  5. mtnsandmusic

    I ended up watching both interviews (Giannis + Dame) and it somehow got me more pumped. The stuff about Jrue was insightful. We all know and feel that loss. Jrue is a Bucks legend and losing him was bittersweet.

    Dame is the only available player who was probably worth the risk. Dame and Giannis talking about how they realized they share a mindset and Giannis being ready to defer and set 50 screens/game knowing that Dame will return the favor to him is exactly what I want to hear.

    It often feels like Giannis has felt he needs to carry the team, especially with Khris out. Too often the offense was “give Giannis the ball at the top of the key and see what he can make happen.” It was stagnant. Giannis takes the challenge personally and crashes into the wall because he won’t back down. That has taken a toll on his body.

    My hope for the Dame era is that it will make things a lot easier for Giannis on offense and that Dame will motivate him like PJ Tucker did. I am excited that Giannis has the same mindset.

  6. SnooPies3316

    Surely Giannis feels some guilt since he essentially forced this trade. Horst didn’t have enough assets to make a trade at the level of Giannis’ public demands without including Jrue.

  7. gopackgo_tib

    And he even finished his work out first before anything. Thats the person we want leading our team and franchise.

  8. gobucksgo07

    “When your heart sinks into your butt.” My new go-to phrase.

  9. saintname8

    “When your heart sinks into your butt is that what you guys say” I love giannis so much 😹

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