@Milwaukee Bucks

Is Malik the fifth starter?

I wonder how long this lasts…

by EcstaticCode682


  1. stevenomes

    He’s never known as being a defender. More like microwave scorer role. If they expecting him to take on the hardest defensive assignments it’s going to lead to a bad time

  2. WeefBellington24

    Either they want him to develop more defensive skills or they know something we don’t know

  3. Griffin has struck me as much more of a keep your cards close to the chest type of coach than I expected him to be.

    For whatever reason I get the vibe that I wouldn’t read that much into stuff he says in press conferences.

    He’s probably just trying to challenge Beasley to take that end of the floor seriously. I doubt he actually thinks he’s going to take the toughest assignment.

  4. I feel like there’s an implicit “If” in there. Like “[If he’s going to be the fifth starter] he’s going to have to take the toughest assignment”.

    Or it might just be a challenge to him. I don’t know. I don’t think the fifth is decided yet. Also he obviously has a poor reputation but so did Brook Lopez. Beasley stepping up defensively isn’t impossible to me, even if his reputation is the opposite.

  5. BigTuna22001133

    I hope not. He’s a perfect bench scorer for this squad.

  6. grudgepacker

    Probably gonna get downvoted for this take but I think Beasley is objectively the guy we should go with to start the season — why? In addition to being a proven vet, he also has a proven *elite* skill – making 3s.

    Put differently, despite what Beasley gives up on D, having him next to an equally elite 3pt shooter in Dame is going to give defenses pause on who to double. And then when you add in Khris/Giannis/Brook, it truly becomes a “pick your poison” scenario for opposing defenses.

    And let’s say Malik gets played off the floor by a big defender(s) – meanwhile, we have who’s NEXT in MarJon and also a proven wing defender NBA Champ in Pat. Not to mention Khris or even Jae if we have to go big at the 2. And plus, if/when MarJon breaks out, he becomes the starter at that point when it becomes obvious that he’s HIM.

    Really gotta love these “problems” lol.

  7. Cantguard-mike

    He’s so bad on defense 🤣🤣 let’s hope he’s not guarding Tatum and butler

  8. Wallyworld77

    Uh oh… Coach Griff is mixing up Malik Beasley with Pat Bev. Beasley is the other Laker dropout coach.

  9. Wallyworld77

    I pretty sure we all want Marjon to start only issue is I don’t think Khris is quick enough anymore to play the 2. Assuming Marjon can’t play the 2 either then it’s between Pat or Malik.

  10. TennisHive

    Nuggets fan here.

    About this statement: LMAO.

    If your plan is to have Malik being your “go to” defender, you won’t have a great season. He can be effective, but mostly as a scorer. He has never shown the mental commitment that great defense requires.

    Perhaps he matured, but personally I have never seen a player completely change his style and main carachteristics in a couple of seasons.

  11. MrAppendages

    Beasley plays best as a starter and is at a point in his career where he has a lot to prove, implying a lot of effort being put into playing defense. He’s a better shooter and shot creator than Pat/MarJon, forcing defenses to respect even the “worst” starter on the roster. He should be the primary scoring threat from the guard position while Dame is resting.

    He’s on a minimum, so he’s not necessarily locked into the spot, but it would be an odd use of personnel to have him sit behind someone like Pat. MarJon would make more sense considering he’s a better defender on paper and needs the minutes to develop, but again, Malik has been a very good player in the NBA already and MarJon can play 2/3.

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