@Miami Heat

Tyler Herro’s Off Season Workout – 5:00AM Janitor Time

An off season day in my life, working out in Miami preparing for the upcoming season with the Miami HEAT.

4:30am-4:45am — Wake up
5:00am-6:00am — Lift
6:30am-7:30am — Court work
8:00am-10:00am — Breakfast / Family time
10:30am/10:45am-11:45am — Court work
12:30-1:00pm — Lunch
1:30pm-2:30pm — Treatment/Mobility


  1. He should hire a skills trainer it helps a lot he putting in work doe that’s what matters in the long run

  2. You know he a bad white dude when he got 3 black guys training him.. mans got hella talent 💪🏽

  3. Corniest white boy in the history of the NBA. Look at me 5am, I’m a tough guy warrior now lol. No more picking on me. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  4. Camera turns on…..ghetto negro feels the need to take his shirt off while the corny white kid thinks it’s cold in there lol. Nba players are beyond corny..

  5. it's absolutely useless to lift weights at 5 a.m. in the morning if you are an NBA player if you can lift them at a different time. 90% of the games are played at night and it would make sense to stay on the same sleep pattern by sleeping in later and working out later in the day. It's pointless to lift at 5 a.m. It doesn't show more work ethic and it will probably just result in a worse quality lift since he probably doesn't have as many energy in him. He said it's too hot during the day, but he plays an indoor sport and has indoor workout facility options, which he can use air conditioning for and if he doesn't have air conditioning then he can probably set that up since he is a millionaire. Tyler Herro has no humility.

  6. He shoulda did all dat during the Finals when Strus was missing every 3pointer T.H coulda tried to play n they was losing it couldn’t gotten any worse than T.H losing another Championship on the Heat 🫤

  7. Great work ethic Tyler – keep it up because you're teaching the next generation that hard work, works. God bless bro!

  8. Enough of the fancy dribbling, just become a knock down shooter, and learn how to play defense – this dude is a regular season player – entirely ineffectual in the playoffs – just like Jordan Poole.

  9. bro, Miami Heat will be glad at keeping you in the roster in the future when getting the champ. Let's go Heats

  10. Honestly just mirror 🪞 his game, his pysche, all of it. He is right there with you. Don't waste your time being you. And your shot bro, why is the ball at your stomach level sometimes for reload. Looks like u taking a dump when u shoot sometimes. Just copy Jimmy's game. You'll be double 'O', and Bam can be 7 cus he keeps improving

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