
The Most SHOCKING 1v1 Game Yet… | Kavon vs Kamari

In todays episode we have Ka’Von representing team Friga against his opponent Kamari Brown who was a D1 MONSTER…. This Game is shocking and will leave you at the edge of your seat!



  1. Please help us reach 400,000 subscribers by the end of this month!! We put in an INSANE amount of work to deliver you a new masterpiece of a video every 3 days! Your support truly helps us bring more content!

  2. This is the most lightskin hooper Ive ever seen 😂😂I’m cryin yo I needa see more of this dude 😂

  3. This dude is such a crybaby.. ball got clean blocked and he was on the floor acting like he got punched in the eye or something. Every call that didn’t go his way he was crying about it like bro just keep playing.

  4. For friga fam players, seeing the growth of kavon is similar to Kam, they both have improved drastically.
    Kamari midrange jumper is so deadly. Great match!

  5. 11-3 yea I'm out💀 & this nigga playing weak defense as well as sitting there looking like he don't know what he wants to do so he just settles for a three just to brick it, we were as before he made that drive then had to pull up then after that he had little rhythm to go shoot that three which he made. So why opt for a stationary 3 which look like you just settled for it because you didn't know what you wanted to do 🤷🏿‍♂️ what is shocking? I could see from the king of the courts that the one in the white had no game just straight pull ups 🤷🏿‍♂️ all he got is a fadeaway jumpshot package like dam, neither one of them did a layup yet

    Edit: seen the video was longer so it made me think the other guy tied it, yep 16-16 other guy ain't even playing defense, just crying about every call, this guy in the white though every time he tried to take a lead with a two-pointer like just go to the fucking hoop & even when he does he has no spins no hop steps no anything he literally just dribbles down the court, this game is crazy. Son all jumpshots & the other plays no defense & cries even when they're is no foul. That guy in the white left the other guy open which gave him 19. What kina stupidity is that when he made like 3 or 4 3's already so why leave him open especially in a crucial moment💀 both of them can be beat, One guy plays good defense but has a trash ass offensive package he literally got all his points from shooting that's crazy, everybody in here praising his jump shot not realizing that's all he has that's not a strength that's actually a weakness, meanwhile the other guy is great on offerings but has no defense.

  6. That one in the black shirt has yhe best crybaby game of anybody at TNC, he musta taught Luka how to cry 😭 He literally cry on clean blocks as well as plain miss shots, son is a menace 💀

  7. Really wanted kavon to win Kamari was consistent, but the refs were definitely on kamari side

  8. Crazy how niggas are calling Ka’Von a “crybaby” yet dude was getting fouled almost every play💀 I can tell some of these niggas in the comments don’t hoop and couldn’t guard Ka’Von nor Kamari

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