@Boston Celtics

2023-24 NBA GM Survey: Celtics tied with Nuggets to win the Finals, Tatum Best SF

2023-24 NBA GM Survey: Celtics tied with Nuggets to win the Finals, Tatum Best SF

by kristian1229


  1. coacoanutbenjamn

    It’s kind of wild that Tatum is passing Durant as the best big wing in the NBA in the eyes of most GMs

  2. Velynedra

    Obviously votes this early are just vibes and fuels, but Tatum legitimately seems to be bulked up quite a bit this summer. While he is adding more weapons to his arsenal, he could really help his case as a concensus first choice SF with:

    1. Less dribbling into the wall and losing the ball (unless trying to draw fouls or something).
    2. Finishing at the rim on drives from from the wings. I can’t count how many layups were doinked last season. It’s usually tough finishes, yes, but see point 1 above.
    3. Really gotta stop being upset at the refs after a drive. We know JT doesn’t get enough respect, but what can you do?

    3pt % is what it is, volatile. There will surely be nights he looks unstoppable and nights he shoots 10%. Shrugs.

  3. coacoanutbenjamn

    I love to see both Cassell and Charles Lee getting love for best assistant coaches

    Bummed seeing that 2 former Celtics are at top of the “underrated acquisitions” question but not surprised, I have to agree

  4. hipcheck23

    Something has to make that fundamental change that’s held us back with the Jays. Maybe it’s Porzingas and Jrue. I’ll miss the guys that are gone, but I think it’s right we made some drastic moves (without breaking up the Jays), and managed to keep enough talent around the bench, too.

    It’s nice validation that the GMs are all looking up at us, and also interesting that we’re basically tied with Milwhiney to win the East, but clear favorites over them to win the Finals.

  5. 693275001

    Honestly surprised Boston/Denver has a 10% gap on Milwaukee. Thought it would be a 3-way race

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