@National Basketball Association

[Bruno] Bridges is accused of throwing billiard balls at his ex-girlfriend’s car, damaging the windshield, and threatening her. Additionally, due to children being in the car when the incident occurred, he is also charged with child abuse.


> Breaking on Miles Bridges: The criminal summons states Bridges violated a protective order during a custody exchange on Tuesday. It alleges he threw billiard balls at his ex-girlfriend’s car, damaging her windshield. During the exchange, he threatened to withhold child support and “take everything from her,” according to the summons.

>Bridges is also facing a child abuse charge because there were children in the car when the vehicle window broke from the billiard balls, according to the criminal summons.

>The victim in question is Bridges’ longtime ex-girlfriend. The pair has several children and is in the middle of a custody battle.

by lopea182


  1. BBallHunter

    Dude’s a lost cause. Hornets need to do something.

  2. Bowleshighschoolpic

    if only there were some way the hornets could have seen it coming

  3. silverxsmoke

    From generational bag fumble to this level of degeneracy. If nothing else get him out of the league

    Hornets not making it out of the hood 🔥💯

  4. Purples_A_Fruit

    Why is this dude so averse to making millions of dollars?

  5. philjacksonspeyote

    Just fucking cut him, last thing the Hornets need is more toxic bullshit and distractions. I know he’s good on the court, but this guy is poison. Need a culture reset in Charlotte.

  6. seejaydeja

    absolute scum. no place in the league for this shit.

  7. Shoddy-Media2337

    Remember when one of the Charlotte players was like “im just glad he’s back after everything he’s been through” lol

  8. Physical_Passage_888

    This fucking guy, man. Why do I have to live in charlotte

  9. RallyPigeon

    Absolutely disgusting. The NBA is far too tolerant to abusers to get extra chances (if they even are punished at all) as long as the person can help a team win. Bridges is a talented player, but he’s also a piece of shit apparently.

  10. paranoidmoonduck

    yikes. this is obviously terrible and probably means he’ll (rightfully) lose custody.

    not to make light of the situation, but was he carrying billiards balls around in his pocket?

  11. anthonyde726

    Shouldn’t have even gotten his second chance and he ruined it before he even got to play again…

  12. Just better and better than the league decided to be inexplicably lenient on Bridges suspension – timed so perfectly for Primo getting back into the league, KPJ strangling and assaulting his girlfriend, and now Bridges is back at it harrassing and threatening his ex-partner and child.

    Hey, here’s a crazy thought, maybe the NBA (like every other professional sports league) has an issue with violence against women that should be addressed.

  13. RVAIsTheGreatest

    That is very very very bad. The exact kind of behavior that will see a judge violating him and sending him to prison. He’s absolutely done.

    I can’t say I feel bad for the Hornets because they should’ve dumped him last year and they chose his talent over the lowest of ethical bars but now they can truly move on without Miles and take that cloud over their heads and break it up and move on, as they did with Kai (who isn’t a criminal). This is the moment for a fresh start.

    NBAPA may file a grievance which is also why KPJ hasn’t been cut yet but the NBA can put him on the exempt list and that’s what should happen here.

  14. Shasty-McNasty

    It’s crazy that the Hornets don’t care about ethics or morals when drafting, and STILL have a poverty-level team.

  15. TheLurkyJerkyDancer

    It would be nice if both the Hornets and law enforcement would take this more seriously, before he inevitably kills her in front of their kids. He’s traumatized all of them enough already.

    Fuck this rotten motherfucker.

  16. Wishiwasaballerbaby

    This dude loves traumatizing his children beat his gf in front of them now this. He’ll end up in jail for killing her so how about he put him there now so he can’t hurt her or traumatizes the kids anymore.

  17. felarans0mekuti

    How can you assault a woman, and then get in trouble and then later terrorize her and her children and NOT go to jail?

    The kids are the real victims here and feel terrible for them

  18. Atl-Fan_FTS

    How the fuck did Kai Jones get waived so quickly yet they still like “We’ll see if he can turn it around” to a literal child abuser who beats his wife / women with indisputable evidence? Get this clown out the league yesterday

  19. lets_talk_basketball

    You’re a multi millionaire.. Just pay an intermediary so you never have to deal with your BM again. They can pick the kids up and bring them to you, speak to her for you, etc…. Dude is an idiot

  20. Can you imagine fucking up so badly that it almost (and should have) cost you generational wealth and your budding NBA career, only to get a second chance and completely fuck it up within a few months. People like this are just pure shit and will never fully change.

  21. MrAppleSpoink

    Just wanted to correct something I’m seeing in the comments here.

    He did not “fumble the bag”, he beat the fuck out of his girlfriend and is abusing his kids. Priorities.

  22. NewPrints

    Does the NBA not realize that they don’t need child abusers and other such criminals in their league?

    I will never understand why they don’t just ban some people from the league.

  23. jumboponcho

    People acting like he’s not going to jail because he’s rich, he might not sit that long but his ass is going to JAIL. Shit might do him some good

  24. Crunc_Mcfincle

    Fuck the NBA for letting bums like this cunt stay with almost no consequences

  25. XxAuthenticxX

    If racism gets you kicked out of the league permanently (Sterling, rightfully so) surely multiple domestic violence incidents would too, right?

    What does the NBA stand for? They let pieces of shit like Bridges back. And no players have spoken up either.

    So when they say they care about social justice, why should we believe them? Silence is violence, right?

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