@Golden State Warriors

Tried To Tell You…

My breakdown of Chris Paul’s impact on the Warriors.


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The game of Basketball has been my passion since I was 5 years old. I grew up as a kid watching my dad’s recorded VHS tapes of playoff games through the 70s and 80s, and collected all the Basketball cards. Something about the game and what it represents just hooked me from a very young age.
My love for the game only continues to grow as time goes on. I love studying and analyzing the game, with an unbiased perspective. Feel free to subscribe, follow me on social media, and celebrate this amazing game and it’s rich history with me!
I post videos every week on NBA history, predictions, hypothetical scenarios and current NBA topics.


Intro Music: Turn On – RW Smith​​​​​​​​​​


#nba #basketball #michaeljordan


  1. too small. paul will get injured. curry will get injured. thompson isnt the same. green will fuck up in some way which will cost the team. theyre not winning the title. wont even come close.

  2. Jonny! I love your videos. I’d want to see if you could make a “How Good was Sidney Moncrief?” I remember you saying how you have a lot of tapes from games in the 80’s and see if you could find some highlights some of us have never seen of him!

  3. come back to this comment when they lose in the 2nd round again with FOUR ALLSTAR TALENTS. the warriors are fucking done. they were done in 2022 as well and got lucky not seeing a single healthy opponent. stop with this bullshit bro they've been done since 2019

  4. Everyone going crazy now but we’re clowning the warriors for this move when it first happened….. y’all are really some dick riders

  5. I don't think warriors are weaker, but they won't get past the 2nd round cuz west is stacked, as you mentioned.

  6. Wassup Jonny, I wanna see this video from u: who was the greater and better player, Hakeem or Tim Duncan? Huge fan of ur work btw, keep it up 👍

  7. Excellent points made, bravo n thank you.
    With the addition the Point God, the starting lineup, GSW will add 5 points over last season's 8 over the avg. starting lineup, still the best in NBA. The key is the bench performance. Can they maintain the lead inherited? GSW has the most improved bench and the most potent one coming up this season. Against opposing team, they would add to the lead when they develop a killer's instinct like the 1st team.
    Only the Lakers have a top to bottom talented team to challenge GSW. The other elite teams are too top-heavy to give the bench a fair fight.

  8. I don't get this. First of all, CP3 can't stay healthy. There's a 50/50 chance he won't even be available by season's end. Second, Klay looks more washed with each passing day. Pair that with the fact that Curry isn't much of a defender either, how do you figure they will defend anyone? They'll make the playoffs but they'll get bounced by any team that's young and athletic. They'll get swept by Denver.

  9. The problem is that they're so small. I really thought Dwight Howard would sign for the Warriors and that can mitigate that weakness.

  10. Warriors are too old and injury prone. The Clippers might be a little bit better than them. 😮 Denver and Phoenix are superior to both teams.

  11. What don't you get? This is the case every year! If we listened to the so called experts the Warriors wouldn't have one championship less alone 4! One the Lebron led media started down playing everything the Warriors did because it hurts Lebron's legacy the media picks the Warriors to suck every year! And they pick against them with every team they play! Remember 2022…The media picked them to lose every round and when they finally won…Boston wasn't that good…Think how different the sports world would be if these guys told the truth instead of hot takes to make money!

  12. "When it comes to ability, he's basically a just smaller version of Lebron James…"…..


    Come on Jonny….I expect better from you…!

    They're NOTHING alike….:

    CP3 is not on the level of scorer that Lebron is, but Lebron is NOWHERE the level of CP3 as a ball handler, facilitator/passer AND all around positional defender that CP3 is!

    Lebron's only crossed the 8 apg threshold FIVE times in his 20+ years while CP3's done at least that TWELVE times….plus he's made 9 All-D teams compared to Lebron's 5, led the league in spg 6 out of 7 years, whereas Lebron has never led the league in either spg OR bpg….plus, CP3 takes WAY better care of the ball…..aside from Size/Athleticism and Scoring, if CP3 can stay healthy he offers WAY more, from a basketball perspective, to the Warriors offense than Lebron could.

  13. Paul at this age is not a difference makee. Need big body not a little guy who doesn't show up at crunch time and gets hurt in big spots. Go Nuggets

  14. It's not just Paul, they have incredible depth off the bench this season. They are going to be title contenders. Anything can happen in the playoffs but you have to at least consider them as a challenger to the throne. They're my team to beat right now, barring something unforeseen happening to the roster.

  15. My biggest fear as a GS Fan is getting a team that uses their Size. Cuz when that happens, if the balls Curry and Klay put up don't drop. Its gonna be a problem. All I wanted in the Summer was a Big above 7 feet but maybe Chris Paul can work. I originally thought CP3 was gonna play non Curry Minutes but they seem to work well together too so, I can't wait to see what happens. Nuggets and Celtic kinda look the same and the Bucks look terrifying.

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