@Memphis Grizzlies

Brutal to read it all

I still love this dude but this doesn’t leave me very hopeful. Please let them be wrong

by mmps901


  1. bossfoundmylastone

    lmao of course its Tim McMahon. Fuck that asshole

  2. Stlcards31

    All stuff we’ve pretty much heard before minus a few quotes from mysterious insider Grizzlies “sources” and some local business owners.

    Everyone has witnessed the downfall. Give the man space to do his job and decide if he’s gonna come back and prove the haters wrong.

  3. _checkpickerupper

    I know Kleiman isn’t the type to ban reporters or remove credentials, but he should seriously consider it for Tim Macmahon

  4. gatorgongitcha

    > Or an altercation less than a week later at Morant’s house, where a 17-year-old was allegedly struck by Morant and a friend, leading to an ongoing civil lawsuit.

    skipping a few details there aren’t you ESPN?

  5. DetectingFarts

    “First, he told me he was coming with his best friend. The next thing, he started coming with an entourage. The next thing, he’s got a platinum grill in his mouth. “

    A platinum grill?? Does Silver know about this? How has he not been banned from the league??

  6. I don’t hate they released this at all. Had a ton of questions around if we werent pushing him to act right or if he was just acting a fool. Appears to be the latter.

    I’m with Kleinman on this, “words mean nothing, Ja has to prove it.”

    I think he will but need to see the change

  7. Hold_My_Beer____

    Honestly I appreciated this article because it details the timeline and gives praise to who Morant was, is, and can be; whereas most of the press salivates to shit on him. There were like 2 incidents in here I didn’t know about as well. Still wondering though- does Ja have alcoholism? Not judging but the article notes he never drank until becoming pro, so nobody would have known it to be an issue including him. Or is his dad driving this, pushing his son to a more outrageous lifestyle? Maybe it’s just a case of fame, wealth, and never being told NO that goes with it warping his attitude? I want him to work on himself and get back on track so bad. That quote about him being the biggest star since Elvis hit pretty hard…. I will be devastated if he burns out. (Still getting the Ja1s when I can find them though Um God!)

  8. Music_City_Madman

    Some clear racist ass dog whistles in that article. Ja might have some demons that he needs to address, but anyone complaining about a grill or rap music in the locker room is nothing but a racist.

    Fuck you, ESPN. Shouldn’t you be focusing on Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift or whatever non-controversial TMZ bullshit you wanna push?

  9. theglicky

    So everything known before being recycled with more quotes. I dont think Tim McMahon asked a single question outside of Ja’s suspension at every person’s media availability and after practice.

  10. PensionOpposite6918

    I think the point of the article is to clearly lay out how the humble work horse and his family became overwhelmed by ego and how it’s lead to their current issues.

  11. Remarkable-Bluejay-9

    So in current time the NBA is dealing with two domestic violence cases against two players, but ESPN decides to write an article about the events of Ja from last season, which everyone already knows lol whatever gets them clicks I suppose.

  12. Meglatron3000

    Phew! I saw “brutal to read” and a picture of Ja and thought “aw hell nah not again” but we just talkin bout what we already know. Ok. So we get to see Smart on Friday…that’s what’s up. They need to leave the past where it is.

  13. I ain’t reading allat especially if Timmy McMoron wrote it 🚮

  14. zmegadeth

    That article is sad as hell, especially the details about his dad taking him to strip clubs and shit.

    Still hopeful for the redemption arc and ready to watch him tear up the league, but man, that was tough shit to read. This sub is on a fair bit of copium, there’s a lot of details in that article that are hard to justify.

  15. Round_Display_6107

    It’s Tim McMahon. That means partially incorrect, heavily dramatized, and sometimes just straight up wrong.

  16. > Three months later, on Sept. 5, a nearly minute-long video from Morant’s close friend and photographer/videographer Jnie Williams, from his social handle, Shot by Nie, showed Morant working out in a white T-shirt that reads “gratitude” — and previous posts of his showed Morant in shirts that read “rebirth” and “accountability.”

    > At the end of the video, Morant was seated between Pack — who was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault in late July — and his father, Tee

    Cool, so he’s still hanging out with this moron

  17. The era of ZERO SECOND CHANCES, what a shit article to put this out especially now.

    And this is more than half the league, going out day before games.
    Memphis’ seedier establishments and strip clubs, including on nights before games.

  18. sheetsofsaltywood

    Ja Morant rising above his own demons will make him more Memphis than all the pseudo gangster stuff that’s led up to this. He is going to come back focused and go to work. I’m excited to see it, and I’m looking forward to him eventually bringing the trophy to Memphis for the first time.

  19. Oh jeez. It’s being discussed on the nba sub of course. Do I want to read those comments or is it a bunch of warriors and lakers fans on high school fall break and I’ll need to de-stress after?

  20. People in here is acting like each specific instance is getting brushed over and not all the facts are in the article. Sure, there are two sides to every story and I’m sure wrong was done by more people than Ja and his crew, but that’s not the point. The article said it best when they said this was 4 instances in the span of 6 months. Sorry fellas but that’s absurd. Can you imagine yourself getting into 4 altercations bad enough the cops were involved in 6 months? Hell most of us probably haven’t been involved in 1 or more in our entire lives.

    It’s not just a problem with is crew or the alcohol. The biggest problem is being an asshole. No one is above others and Ja knows that, that’s his morals he grew up with and came into Memphis with. It’s why we all loved him in the first place. That’s the Ja the Grizzlies and Memphis needs.

  21. Effective_shooter52

    Seems like they try to make him look bad all the time smh. Don’t even have to read it all

  22. mdthomas714

    Tim McMahon articles should be treated as Beale Street Blue links

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