@Philadelphia 76ers

[SixersGalaxy] “Despite the #Sixers indicating that they would accept an offer of a Clippers’ unprotected first-round pick, first-round pick swap, and players to match the salaries and Mann … Lawrence Frank reiterated the team’s stance that Mann would not be part of their offer.” – @sam_amick

[SixersGalaxy] “Despite the #Sixers indicating that they would accept an offer of a Clippers’ unprotected first-round pick, first-round pick swap, and players to match the salaries and Mann … Lawrence Frank reiterated the team’s stance that Mann would not be part of their offer.” – @sam_amick

by Prestigious-Rock201


  1. Prestigious-Rock201

    Clippers fans better pray they get him because if they don’t and they end up flaming out….god help their souls

  2. internetcommunist

    Then they’re not getting Harden. This obsession with a role player is actually crazy

  3. runricky34

    This would be like if the Heat had refused to trade josh richardson for jimmy butler

  4. justwantkickz

    It is becoming clearer and clearer that the clippers do NOT want Harden at all

  5. Morey: Give me 2 firsts, and we’re good.
    Frank: No. 2 firsts is too much for a player on an expiring deal
    Morey: Alright, than give me 1 first, a swap (which are usually worthless anyways) and Mann. I’ll flip him for what I need.
    Frank: No. We consider Mann untouchable and integral to the team.
    Morey: Fuck off. You want something for nothing.

    Twitter: hArDeN iS wOrThLeSs BuT iF tHeY gEt HiM fOr NoThInG, iT a StEaL.

  6. Lakers got better, gsw is a better team than clipper, phoenix and denver are way better than clippers. They need make a big trade if they want compete in the west

  7. ClintiusMaximus

    Its gonna be real funny when we just end up trading him to some other team at the deadline.

  8. working_memory

    Oh so they had the same conversation as the last five times?

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