@New York Knicks

Knicks Waived Roby

Knicks Waived Roby

by GoldenBoyRecords


  1. iggyboyyyy

    There goes our potential backup 4. I would trust the FO on this one though.

  2. OldManWiggy

    Kind of shocked by this. Not that I thought he would contribute in any major way but we gave him like $400,000 to be on our roster for one day last season so I figured he’d be in their future plans somewhere.

    Solid fleece from Roby’s POV though, can’t hate on that lmao

  3. Oh wow, fringe guy and all but he’s had some success in the past. Really felt like he could have helped. Especially after watching Sims get worked by the Wolves and the Celtics stretch bigs. I thought it would have made sense to keep Roby for front court depth.


    this team has a great depth chart at every spot EXCEPT behind Randle. I assume that they have SOME inclination of what they want at that spot, and will execute that within the week. Roby wasn’t going to make or break the Knickerbockers, but the guy they get to fill “his” spot might.

    Doesn’t need to be great, just an average Big who can go 12-15 minutes a night. (maybe less, knowing Thibs.)

  5. Fistfulofhopeless

    I thought Nathan Knight was the one on the outs. Oh well. Still expect to see Martin in Westchester this year.

  6. MelKijani

    i’m going to take this as an endorsement of Knight and Toppin.

  7. smileyfrown

    We really looking at Sims as the answer? It’s gonna blow up so badly in our faces

  8. ClutchGamingGuy

    we need a 4 but Roby is legit too awful to get any kind of minutes in real NBA games.

  9. severinks

    This is actually a mistake unless they’re keeping the dude from The Timberwolves on the roster. because Roby can shoot.

    I hope to Christ that the Martin move is a formality so they can send him to the G league.

  10. teknomatic

    Weird that they would cut a guy in a position where we have no depth. I wonder what they are gonna do with the roster spot

  11. baddumbtsss

    It’s not really too surprising imo. His defense isn’t good, and you’re not really going to play if you can’t play D if your coach is Thibs.

  12. Did someone say Roby


  13. anditcounts

    Roby looked trash in Summer League. I think if you’re good in summer league it means nothing, but if you’re bad it indicates a problem.

  14. LetsGetSomeChickenn

    We need to waive jericho sims next mf is trash continues to look lost on every posession

  15. Wild_Particular4003

    Why did they take him in the first place lol wtf

  16. Ok so let’s get rid of any guy that might be passable as a backup PF lol

  17. Dafuq we doing at the backup 4? We’re 1 injury away from having no frontcourt what kinda roster construction is this

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