Edit: Taking a second look, I like the lines inside the numbers and the overall shape of the numbers, but the number size/location isn’t balanced with the words (which I don’t like — enough brotherly love references, would prefer PHILA or similar). Hard to comment on the color scheme but it looks plain/basic.
Not even in the same discussion/universe as the Spectrum city edition jerseys.
So much iconic imagery from Philadelphia and this jersey is nothing but fonts. Big L
Is crypto whatever still in business?
Garbage again
There is so much more to the city than “brotherly love”
That is the worst jersey ive ever seen
Not incredible but I do think it’s better than last seasons for sure. I’ll wait until I see a better pic but might not hate it? All of the city editions this time around are kind of whatever so I guess this is in line with that.
I’m fine with the color scheme and font but BROTHERLY is so jarring.
lol are we the grizzlies
The Brotherly Love jerseys last year are my favorite city jerseys that we’ve worn, This one might grow on me. The “BROTHERLY” is so jarring.
So tired of these new jerseys every season
It’s not terrible (reserving judgement until I can see all the details), but it just blends in with all the other minimalist crap Nike/NBA is putting out for alternate jerseys recently.
Also – why only emphasize the “BROTHERLY”? That just looks awkward
Wow this awful if this is the city edition and my expectations were low
Also serves as a reminder that Franklin is a dumb mascot.
Jersey ugly and mascot is dumb. Bring back hip hop
I can’t believe the ad is still Crypto
This looks terrible. I’ve seen better mockups of jerseys on Twitter. They effectively took the last two city editions and combined them. Big L
Lord 🙄
Edit: Taking a second look, I like the lines inside the numbers and the overall shape of the numbers, but the number size/location isn’t balanced with the words (which I don’t like — enough brotherly love references, would prefer PHILA or similar). Hard to comment on the color scheme but it looks plain/basic.
Not even in the same discussion/universe as the Spectrum city edition jerseys.
So much iconic imagery from Philadelphia and this jersey is nothing but fonts. Big L
Is crypto whatever still in business?
Garbage again
There is so much more to the city than “brotherly love”
That is the worst jersey ive ever seen
Not incredible but I do think it’s better than last seasons for sure. I’ll wait until I see a better pic but might not hate it? All of the city editions this time around are kind of whatever so I guess this is in line with that.
I’m fine with the color scheme and font but BROTHERLY is so jarring.
lol are we the grizzlies
The Brotherly Love jerseys last year are my favorite city jerseys that we’ve worn, This one might grow on me. The “BROTHERLY” is so jarring.
So tired of these new jerseys every season
It’s not terrible (reserving judgement until I can see all the details), but it just blends in with all the other minimalist crap Nike/NBA is putting out for alternate jerseys recently.
Also – why only emphasize the “BROTHERLY”? That just looks awkward
Wow this awful if this is the city edition and my expectations were low
Also serves as a reminder that Franklin is a dumb mascot.
Jersey ugly and mascot is dumb. Bring back hip hop
I can’t believe the ad is still Crypto
This looks terrible. I’ve seen better mockups of jerseys on Twitter. They effectively took the last two city editions and combined them. Big L
They’ve been using that number font on their countdown to the season [posts on social media](https://scontent-iad3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/391615444_908483287301838_8813833503549137926_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=Ug9PDwzfd0sAX_kZEcz&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.xx&oh=00_AfCg0FuNpP3RhGbGNI1_Y1oTFr27j7TbcFEoOAYZwN9NlA&oe=6535DEB8). I guess that was their way of dropping a hint.
That jersey is ugly as fuck. Looks like something an 8th grader would make in middle school graphic design class.