@Chicago Bulls

Game Thread: Minnesota Timberwolves (0-0) at Chicago Bulls (0-0) Oct 19 2023 7:00 PM

#Minnesota Timberwolves at Chicago Bulls

United Center- Chicago, IL




|Time Clock|
|Q2 9:50|

|MIN * * * * * * |28|2|–|–|30|
|CHI * * * * * |20|9|–|–|29|

###On the court

**Minnesota Timberwolves**

|R. Gobert|12:01|7|3-5|0-0|1-2|1|3|4|2|0|0|1|1|-1
|S. Milton|10:16|2|1-2|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|2|-6
|N. Reid|6:51|1|0-2|0-2|1-2|0|4|4|1|1|0|0|0|0
|T. Brown Jr.|6:04|3|1-2|1-2|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
|J. McLaughlin|5:06|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|0|-3

**Chicago Bulls**

|D. DeRozan|12:01|9|3-5|1-1|2-3|0|1|1|3|1|0|1|0|1
|P. Williams|12:01|4|2-7|0-5|0-0|0|5|5|0|0|0|2|1|1
|A. Dosunmu|8:29|0|0-1|0-0|0-0|1|0|1|0|0|0|0|1|5
|J. Carter|6:51|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0
|T. Craig|6:51|2|1-2|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|1|0|0|1|1|0
###Team Stats



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  1. on-the-move23

    Adam lookin’ tight. Gunning for a national gig?

  2. Stevey-Jones42

    Been focusing on Coby a lot this preseason and he seems ready to make another leap.

    Very excited to watch him this year

  3. BlitzinJz

    This is just the most frustating part with Pat. He’ll show flashes of his aggressiveness and then revert back to his old self the next game.

  4. Perhaps the biggest blessing in disguise with Zo out is that we could develop Coby into a PG

  5. Antman is becoming such a great player. I wonder if the T-wolves will be able to hold onto him.. or will he end up leaving for a big market?

  6. Ant started cooking the moment we subbed Pat out lol

  7. tallslim1960

    I really wanted Naz over Vuc in the off-season

  8. BlitzinJz


  9. Powerful-Ride-3728

    Troy brown is such a fake shooter lmao

  10. kingjuicepouch

    This lineup is tiny against gogurt and reid lol

  11. Apparently the twolves have their own Jevon Carter

  12. RoystBeef

    Literally don’t care Pat missed all his 3s this quarter. Just glad he made 5 attempts and we attempted 10 this quarter

  13. carrot-man

    Man Pat with a rough shooting night. 0/5 from 3. But at least he’s taking open shots finally.

  14. RapsFanMike

    If people expecting derozan to take more of a backseat this season then either pwill or vuc needa invite more contact on their shots and double their FTs… needa get free points and opponents in foul trouble

  15. ACupOfAJ13

    first preseason game for me – how have they looked the other games? think they look really solid in this one.

  16. kingjuicepouch

    The good thing about playing tiny vs this wolves lineup is rudy fucking sucks so you don’t have to worry much about him punishing mismatches

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