No good decisions are made after midnight. When I’m up late, I sometimes look through eBay for interesting sports memorabilia, things from the Nets, BK Dodgers, Mets. I came across this, the team’s pitch to Melo and though it was cool and pretty unique. The team was pitching a lineup of Brook, Hump, Melo, Billups and Rip Hamilton. Could’ve been a fun team.
No good decisions are made after midnight. When I’m up late, I sometimes look through eBay for interesting sports memorabilia, things from the Nets, BK Dodgers, Mets. I came across this, the team’s pitch to Melo and though it was cool and pretty unique. The team was pitching a lineup of Brook, Hump, Melo, Billups and Rip Hamilton. Could’ve been a fun team.
Bad ass
That’s super cool. What an amazing thing to own.