@Boston Celtics

[Manning] Pretty cool seeing Rajon Rondo at C’s practice today. Said he’s taking classes and spending time with family, but expressed some interest in being around the Celtics again this season after today’s visit and that he wants to get into coaching one day.

[Manning] Pretty cool seeing Rajon Rondo at C’s practice today. Said he’s taking classes and spending time with family, but expressed some interest in being around the Celtics again this season after today’s visit and that he wants to get into coaching one day.

by Pareo141


  1. I wonder if everyone supports his return? For me, of course! Because Rondo is my favorite Celtics player, he is a veteran who can help in the lockroom, he has championship experience.

    Rondo and Holiday were teammates before, and he is also very helpful for the development of young players.

  2. I_Set_3_Alarms

    I hope things were resolved with his family, specifically his wife and child

  3. neuroticsmurf

    I love Rondo and want him around the team — no one takes pride in having been a Celtic like he does — but honestly, after the way he bristled against Brad and butted heads with Carlisle in Dallas, coaching isn’t something I saw him getting into.

    He’s definitely smart enough for it, though.

  4. jmikemac_

    Love Rondo the player, first favourite Celtic, just really hope the issues he has that led to his behaviour towards his family are somewhat resolved.

    Have always wondered whether he’d have the ‘soft skills’ for coaching. Probably knows more about basketball than a lot of HCs out there but I could see his locker room getting quite toxic quite quickly lol.

  5. loving-father-69

    Idk if Rondo would be a great coach because he’s always seen the game so easily that things that are obvious to him he may not be able to convey to a player who isn’t the smartest.

    Definitly seems like he could alienate people. You can’t just be super smart and talented to be a leader, you need to be able to communicate and educate.

  6. PrometheusAborted

    Yes. Please. I need more Rondo. I don’t care if he is 2nd assistant to the bench manager. It is would be great for the team and my own personal happiness if he was around on a regular basis.

    I fucking love Rondo.

  7. This made me sooo happy. Rondo was my favorite player and the reason I started watching basketball. I had a poster of him in my room

  8. When Doc was here he mentioned several times that Rondo would be a coach some day

  9. MothraJDisco

    His basketball IQ is 10/10 and PG’s tend to make good coaches. That said, the issue is what has plagued him it feels like now for the last decade of ‘do, his ego holds him back. Yeah he’s a competitor and comes to play, but he also often mentally disengages.

    Wish the dude the best (and tbh, I really shouldn’t especially after the DV stuff and I hope he’s growing as a human from that experience.)

  10. masteryoda7777

    Great basketball mind, I hope he joins the coaching staff

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