@Philadelphia 76ers


The Philadelphia Sixers are screwed now that the Boston Celtics and Milwaukee Bucks improved. #Sixers #76ers #NBA #Celtics #Bucks


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  1. They have no chance at this point they are better just blowing up and trade embid and start rebuilding for the future.

  2. Honestly I've reached the point of apathy with the Sixers. I really don't care anymore. They could burn it all down, trade Embiid, and start from scratch and I would not care.

  3. Brodes I been watching you since 2018 man. I even have the first hoodie you ever put up as merch. I fucking love that you care enough about Philly sports to make this video. It’s definitely a topic everyone is avoiding lmaoo but just wanna say we appreciate it!!

  4. My dream rn would be Tobias n harden to bulls for Levine and DeRosan. Starting line up, Maxey, levine, Drose, PJ, embiid. Then bball, Mo, melt, bev, Obre and Danny off the bench with a splash of terq Smith, springer and petrusiv. Add a first and second and springer if we need it but rn that's out best shot at a contending team since bulls might blow it up.

  5. Problem with Joel is he just hasnt shown enough of a 'killer' mentality in the playoffs. Is it hes too injured too tired? Dunno but i see too much lack of focus. I can only watch him and harden mess up an inbounds pass so many times before i go what the fuck are they doing…

  6. As a celtics fan IDK how I feel about the Jrue Holiday trade. I really liked the potential Robert Williams had and the celtics just don't care about draft picks. I know the team is good so why do they need to draft Good young players but imagine they continue to acquire solid young players in the draft. I'm still going to be nervous to face the sixers in the playoffs if they get there. Especially without rob Williams

  7. Man the flyers are a better topic right now than the 6ers. They've tuned me out, completely. I'll hear about them regardless but as far as I'm concerned, seasons done.

  8. Beverly ,Milton,Reed ,and Danny Green will play great defense along with Embiid .Tobias Embidd Maxey have to give us max scoring this season

  9. With the the way the 76ers franchise has gone the last 15 years, Embiid will get hurt early in the season and seriously diminish his trade value, and we will have to trade him for 60 cents on the dollar.

  10. The way they went out of the playoffs last year did it for me. How they just quit and everything that came after that this offseason has been a absolute clown show. They are the joke in Philly and im honestly more excited about the Flyers then the Sixers

  11. The lesson learned from the Ben Simmons experience is that Philly just needs to get rid of Harden now BEFORE the start of the season … even if Philly get virtually nothing in return. At least Nick Nurse and the team will then have clear air to give the season their best shot with the squad they have now. Give the keys to the team to Maxey and see what happens. Not saying they'll win the chip but at least the distraction of Harden will be long gone.

  12. This is my problem with all bad mouthing the sixers maybe not Romp but a lot of narratives are saying the same thing for example the way Tobias Harris gets bash and if you look at the statistics his are about the same as Middleton but gets paid almost the same so I think we all need to chill

  13. This should have never let Sam henske go. I always said that. He had the wherewithal to draft an injured player… 😎

  14. Anyone else tired and over Daryl Morey? The fake genius he is claimed to be. He basically sat at the press conference and told us fans to basically shut up and just believe we are good enough to contend this year. Piss on our leg and tell us it’s raining huh? Amazing he was able to suggest anyone be fired he should have been the first to go. Put all his eggs in the James Harden basket and he sits up there and acts like this situation is no big deal at all. 🖕🏽 Morey

  15. the Sixers have no hope whatsoever. this is just gonna be the exact same season we've been watching on repeat since 2020.

  16. Sixers are fine and should wait for the best trade for Harden, people who think the Bucks & Celtics are so much better don't look at how much worse both teams are now on defense and depth.

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