@Atlanta Hawks

Ringer employees once again proving how little we should respect their opinion.

Ringer employees once again proving how little we should respect their opinion.

by OfferOk8555


  1. TraeYoungsOldestSon

    Literally your job to keep up with this shit and the average basketball fan does it better lol embarrassing

  2. WhosYourPapa

    A few years back I was searching for more NBA podcast content and started listening to a few Ringer shows, including the one KOC & Vernon do together. I stopped after… 2 or 3 listens bc they are so bad. Zero substance, just hot (and bad) takes that aren’t even really backed up. In general I have never really been impressed by Ringer content

  3. OfferOk8555

    Verno replied to a tweet about it. He was so defensive. Like just take the L bro.

  4. MiserableSoft2344

    One of the best parts about being an Atlanta sports fan is we don’t get a quarter of the national coverage like other major cities. True to Atlanta.

  5. The Ringer is just Coors Light to Barstool Sports’ Bud Light

  6. House_of_Borbon

    Did DeJounte delete his tweet? I don’t see it.

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