@National Basketball Association

[Wind] Jayson Tatum doesn’t even play Tuesday. | Quote Tweet of [Lombardi] Oh, and the NBA champs. They’re playing too. | Picture of NBA on TNT advertisement for this Tuesday – showing Curry, Lebron, Durant and Tatum

[Wind] Jayson Tatum doesn’t even play Tuesday. | Quote Tweet of [Lombardi] Oh, and the NBA champs. They’re playing too. | Picture of NBA on TNT advertisement for this Tuesday – showing Curry, Lebron, Durant and Tatum

by 3rdEyeDeuteranopia


  1. HalfBear-HalfCat

    That’s kind of fucked up. Should have Jimmy with his emo hair on that image.

  2. god dammit who gives a shit. people need to stop getting offended about every perceived slight against someone or something

  3. If they actually promote the guy who won Finals MVP and is going to be a very big part of the NBA for the next however-many years, then people will know who he is and they won’t have have to sulk when he keeps showing up in the finals/playoffs. I dunno if continuing to lean on 35+ year old players who are struggling to play the majority of games is going to work forever.

  4. Brad-Stevens

    Jokic clearly doesn’t care about this, why would others?

    The top-3 jersey sellers last year were LeBron, Tatum and Steph … Threw KD in there since he’s probably the 3rd most well known player in the league

  5. Because casual U.S. fans don’t care at all about international players.

  6. WhatShouldTheHeartDo

    Victoria Secret gave up trying to market with wokeness, NBA is going to stop trying to make Jokic happen in the American market.

  7. As great as Jokic is as a player he doesn’t promote the game at all (see the all-star game), isn’t a good interview, and rarely shows emotion on court. NBA marketing has transcended on-court play at this point.

  8. Should be advertising the all-star and NBA champion

    Deandre Jordan has earned it

  9. SnooPies5622

    Victim complex undefeated

    The Celtics are popular it is what it is

  10. hoops_n_politics

    Such disrespect. I think the Nuggets should channel their outrage and absolutely mop the floor with the Lakers on opening night. Win and keep the sweep streak going! Then Mike Malone should drop fifty F-bombs in the press conference afterwards.

  11. StarScourge7

    Everyone is really complaining that they are showing pretty much 4 of the biggest stars in the league as advertisements to start the season? Yall really need to do something with your time if that’s what you got to complain about.

  12. flappypancaker

    Mmm I’m gonna love being outraged most of the season, my happy place as a Nuggets fan is the righteous indignation that comes with Nugglyfe

  13. Tall_Succotash

    I honestly think jokic just doesn’t care so if Denver wants to get that promo just have Jamal be the face..he’s already doing commercials, fuck it.

  14. Intelligent-Sell-642

    You realize this was done by a group of marketers who probably know nothing about basketball and made the graphic because it would get the most views.

  15. identitycrisis56

    This is the difference between NFL and NBA. NFL doesn’t view some markets or stars as “unmarketable”. They’re not gonna ignore a star because they’re in KC or Buffalo instead of NYC or LA. They’ve consistently marketed everyone for the last 50+ years instead of major markets, and it pays off by creating a larger base of fans who are comfortable embracing fans anywhere.

    I vastly prefer the NBA personally but the NFL is so much better at marketing and maintain the product itself.

  16. LACIRCA2044

    Simply: TNT will be in Denver for ring night but the NBA promo doesn’t have a Nuggets player but instead a Celtics player even though the Celtics aren’t playing. It’s not that complicated and any discourse over the marketability of Jokic v Tatum is pointless because in this specific situation it makes no sense to have Tatum over Jokic or Jamal Murray.

  17. No-Government-9884

    Id rather suck a fart out of Jeff Van Gundy’s ass than have to hear Dorris and Doc talk about hold old Mao ZeBron is.

    But Im gonna be watching and hating on mute.

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