@Milwaukee Bucks

Nice job on that research, buddy.

Nice job on that research, buddy.

by fanofsports44


  1. fanofsports44

    Also love how it’s gone from “Giannis is leaving Milwaukee before you know it!” to “Oh wow, Giannis has already planned out potentially being in Milwaukee for another decade.”

  2. WeefBellington24

    I don’t get these clowns.

    One hand : “he doesn’t sign this summer something is up in Milwaukee!”

    Other hand: “he signed, why didn’t he wait?”

    Fuck these fucking clowns

  3. fantasyhockeyfan69

    they’re already talking about how he can force a trade out. They’ll never understand that Giannis loves Milwaukee, and instead of accepting it (and admitting they we’re absolutely wrong) they’re going to keep trying to push him out as much as they can.

    I can’t imagine Adam Silver and the NBA appreciates having the media actively wishing to move star players to large markets. Destroying the parity of the league, all so ESPN can have more viewers in the largest markets in the country.

    Yet nothing will change, its pathetic and infuriating and ultimately the media and their love of “NBA drama” is what I think will ultimately end up hurting this league. When is the last time you saw NFL media talking about what shirt a player was wearing? (AD’s that’s all folks) The last time someone in MLB forced his way off his team 3x and is praised for it by the media (Harden). Ultimately people don’t care, the NBA isnt a soap opera, I wish they would quit treating it like one.

  4. Ask Woj, he literally has a tweet about how Giannis can make more in the long run signing now

  5. Windy just wants Giannis in LA so bad…. its not even funny. they mad he loyal to a small market!

  6. TheLegendofLior

    They all hate bratwurst. That’s the problem. If they’d just open their minds a bit and try some new foods, maybe they’d feel excited about the Finals running through Milwaukee every year.

  7. Ooh no. no DaMEe and GianNiS in LA. Well have Fun WitH tHoSe ContRaCts MilWauKee

  8. theerealobs

    Dude’s a clown. LeBron made his whole career. Actually was listening to the radio on the way home from work and he was getting clowned on by the other analysts on the podcast and he was getting so mad. It was hilarious.

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