@National Basketball Association

Charles Barkley asks Adam Silver about the domestic violence issues within the NBA

Charles Barkley asks Adam Silver about the domestic violence issues within the NBA

by Pin_King_


  1. Spoofcaptain

    Common Chuck W

    Edit: had Silver stuttering like a mf too. I get you gotta be professional but how difficult is it to come out hard and say that shit won’t fly? This guy sucks.

  2. StalkingDwarf

    Great job from Chuck to bring up the issues. I get that Silver can’t go too scorched earth on it, but that was a really disappointing answer.

  3. >“…when a guy crosses the line, the consequences are enormous.”

    Are they, Mr. Silver?

  4. SwiggySiggyDoc

    Was waiting to see how long it would take Silver to mention ‘accusations’ or ‘allegations’


    chuck da GOAT, hard to take adams answer seriously though considering people like miles bridges get to still play in the league lol

  6. No-Equipment-20

    Respect to Barkley for asking, you can tell Silver was taken aback

  7. BrbToilet

    ‘The consequences are enormous.’ Aka, they get 15 games off and are welcomed back like nothing happened immediately after

  8. In a world where every league/big money media property only ever appears in front of friendly/handpicked media to avoid ever having to take tough questions, it’s great to see someone like Chuck who isn’t afraid to bring up difficult issues (because he knows they can’t blackball him).

    Someone actually putting their clout/credibility to good use. Full props to Chuck, as per usual.

  9. Chuck will always be a champion for social issues. Undisputed legend

  10. Not the greatest answer from Silver but remember, the NBPA are the guys who protect and coddle these abusers, Silver works for the owners, he can’t just boot these players out the league without mass approval

  11. Between this and Chuck’s support for the LGBTQ+ community he’s the GOAT. *But* I think we could go a step further (there’s nothing wrong with Chuck’s statement it just made me think of something), he says that you can’t put your hands on women, that statement needs to be extended to everyone. Don’t put your hands on your partner regardless of gender, don’t put your hands on anybody.

  12. We are so lucky to have Chuck.

    You could argue that’s harder hitting journalism than 95% of news these days. Put him on the spot to answer a tough question.

    And of course Silver doesn’t have an answer. “…state of the art counseling…” My guy!? What the fuck word salad is that? I bet he’s fucking pissed.

  13. onemoresleeep

    Good on Chuck. Silver conveniently forgets that there are fans of the league who are women, so it’s nice to see him being held accountable by somebody.

  14. it was a tough question for silver to answer on the spot, but i wouldve hoped he said something a little more meaningful

  15. Ja treated like he’s Magneto in containment but they have to skirt around Miles Bridges like Silver doesn’t know what Chuck is talking about

  16. Kiriranchelo

    If you let them back in the league then you did nothing,

  17. RVAIsTheGreatest

    Credit to Chuck for the question, and predictable PR fluff garbage from Silver. It’s gonna take more PR embarrassment to force more out of Silver on this but there unfortunately just isn’t a ton he can do.

    He can place guys on the commissioners exemption list while allegations are ongoing….that hasn’t even happened with Bridges. He’s set to play in a few weeks. The player’s association will only allow for so much. Bridges sat out in conjunction with the player’s association allowing it and not filing a grievance.

  18. summernightsmood

    That was a manly move by Charles. Thanks for speaking up Charles.

  19. great-nba-comment

    Chuck is so god damn based it’s unfair to the rest of us

  20. BronzeHornet

    “We’re not looking to compete against other leagues when you say *forefront*”: 🤓☝🏻

    That came off so snarky. You know what he meant, the NBA prides itself in being progressive, so it would make sense for y’all, out of all the leagues, to have more serious punishments for domestic violence. Ja Morant had to go on an apology tour, yet the league has nothing to say about multiple guys beating women, and even worse, they’re getting slaps on the wrist

  21. ktdotnova

    TLDR… blame the NBA PA. Silver is more or less a puppet for the owners.

  22. Karl_with_a_C

    Chuck is the only one with the balls to ask this question. Good on him.

  23. Panda0nfire

    Anyone else distracted by that girl with the nuggets logo lolol

  24. MicHAELmhw

    Chuck is a freaking goat for this. He should moderate the next presidential campaign debates.

    Mr. green – what color ice cream do you like?

    Mr. purple – why are you a racist?

    So many weak softy questions. Love this

  25. belizeanheat

    He sounds like he’s in the middle of bombing a job interview

  26. I don’t know why people think Adam silver gets to control who’s in the league and that he can kick guys out over something they weren’t convicted for buisness is not that simple

  27. Tearz_in_rain

    Kudos to Barkley for asking that.

    Man… Silver seems to be scared shitless while answering it, even though his answer seems appropriate… he also knows it’s not enough and it’s all lip service at this point.

  28. Few-Peanut8169

    As a woman from his state of Alabama Chuck makes me so proud for real

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