@Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns vs. Golden State Warriors Full Highlights 1st QTR | Oct 24 | 2023 NBA Preseason

Phoenix Suns vs. Golden State Warriors Full Highlights 1st QTR | Oct 24 | 2023 NBA Preseason


  1. Wow, Moody and his body positioning in transition, spacing the floor, protecting the ball, and poised to get fouled all while finishing at the rim. He looks fantastic!

  2. Wiggins need to wake up and klay needs to go back to g league to get over his over inflated ego 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

  3. Steve Kerr should know This , The problem is , is you Need more of Stephen curry so you have to Run two Starting teams for the golden state warriors to cover up for the lack of TALLNESS This way We can see Draymond Green scoring and not Just Coaching and being the Best player so they have to Play a Team with Stephen curry and then Bring in a Team with Chris Paul to Preserve Stephen curry . Great players playing together is all about Timing.

  4. 勇士队今日赛,克萊、湯姆森下滑得那么严重,维金斯又成了保温杯,萨里奇回防慢像烏龟,莫迪那手感忽冷忽热不稳定,科尔老头不会用用新人32号,全都是日濃包,累死库里了。

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