@Chicago Bulls

We can’t shoot. We can’t hit threes. We pray for other teams to miss. We preach continuity for a 9th seed. Reinsdorf isn’t selling the team anytime soon. It’s the same story as last season. Help.

We can’t shoot. We can’t hit threes. We pray for other teams to miss. We preach continuity for a 9th seed. Reinsdorf isn’t selling the team anytime soon. It’s the same story as last season. Help.

by Mister_Snrub15


  1. Drclaw411

    Three point shooting would cost Jerry money, so we get none.

  2. chicago_bunny

    I’ve had season ticket packages for the last few years. When they called to ask me to renew for this season, I said no. When they asked why, I said because the team isn’t fun to watch and management doesn’t seem interested in fixing it.

    Want a better product? Vote with your wallet. That’s the only message Jerry cares about.

  3. Idk even know if we can entirely blow it up any time soon sadly

  4. -Buckaroo_Banzai-

    As expected.

    Continuity as a 9th seed without a young core means staying a 9th seed/playin team.

    Bulls put their chips on the table when they went after Lonzo, Vuc and DeRozan and with a healthy Lonzo it looked good. Without him that’s 20 mil missing as well as elite defense and three-point shooting.

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