@National Basketball Association

Alternative angle of Kawhi Leonard falling to his knees in despair as Westbrook attempts a last second game tying shot

Alternative angle of Kawhi Leonard falling to his knees in despair as Westbrook attempts a last second game tying shot

by eathbau


  1. Ashamed-Dirt-1316

    Shouldn’t have run so much clock off. Russ wouldn’t have chucked that attempt up otherwise. Kind of funny how dramatic he’s being for an early season game though.

  2. ihateeuge

    This angle makes it worse that he didnt pass. It looks like he got a glimpse of Batum and the clock probably. I dont think it was a bad shot to take though in the situation. Thats a lot to process in a split second.

  3. Ok-Tree4365

    People are really milking this. Kawhi wanted him to pass it to an open Batum, who is good in clutch moments, and has the fastest 3-pt release I’ve ever seen. I’m sure everyone wanted to avoid overtime as well. Westbrook did well to get the rebound, it’s a lot to process in that time, but the smarter move would have been to go to Batum.

  4. Responsible-Release7

    Man almost tore his ACL witnessing all that

  5. CulturalRoll

    Y’all seriously hating on Russ shooting a ball with less than 1 second left when the only reason they even got another shot was because of him crashing the boards to get a rebound?

    WTF is wrong with you people

  6. CabbageStockExchange

    I just saw a man fall to his knees at a Jazz game

  7. Thre was some Batum shots down the stretch I hated if we’re being honest.

  8. pacpacpac

    Lmao Kawhi goes to his knees as soon as the ball comes out of Russells hands. Absolutely hilarious

  9. Lol these russ haters are idiots. Yes he makes mistakes but this is not one of em. Give it a rest

  10. tmperflare

    It’s crazy how with the way people are reacting it would have just been better off for Westbrook to not get the offensive rebound…

  11. Ikigai_Mendokusai

    Lmfao you’re reading too much into this shit. Kawhi clearly saw the arc of the shot and knew it was gonna fall way short – that’s why he fell to the ground in frustration. Probably upset that he fucked up his own shot earlier.

  12. Pay-Green

    All these alternate angles just clarify that Kawhi shouldn’t have ran down the clock 😭😮‍💨

  13. ExpectFlames

    People not acknowledging the hard closeout on batum which was inframe of russ shooting anyway wouldn’t have mattered. You guys are not clippers fans at all they are happy with what they got 1 games out of 80 left STFU and move on man.

  14. brucewayne1935

    In all honesty, at least Russ fucking plays 90% of the time

  15. Lumpy_General_2617

    Bro got some nerve acting like that after he wasted all the time on the clock 🤣

  16. CartoonOG

    I get Russ had the option to passing it to an open Batum or PG13 running toward him and could’ve screened his man. But come on Kawhi, you burnt like 90% of the clock

  17. Leopard__Messiah

    It was probably just his knees exploding since he had played more than 20 minutes this week.

  18. Russ did you guys lose this game or did the Jazz win this one?

  19. pieman2005

    This was Kawhi’s dumbass fault for trying to iso lol

  20. PeanutButterOtter

    We all know Kawhi is gonna miss at least 50 games this year. Russ is just getting a head start on being the #1 option.

  21. Fantastic_Video5682

    Kawhi funny asl for that shot was still midair dam 😂

  22. athiccBerry

    prime meme material but what else did you expect Brodie to do after you ran the clock down 🤷

  23. BarracudaSolid4814

    Mr fun guy’s knees are already wobbly 🙄

  24. He may be also mad at himself for destroying the possession and losing them the game forcing Russ to take that shot. I mean it’s mostly on him, not Russ.

  25. da_meme_king7

    He wasnt falling because of the shot, he was falling cuz his knees broke and is gonna load manage the next 20 games

  26. coldazice

    He’s a basketball player, he knows it was short. Has nothing to do with Westbrook. I would know if my shot or my teammates shot was short because I play basketball… and I don’t play anywhere near as much as him so he just knows.

  27. Impossible-Flight250

    I kind of feel bad for Russ. It was obviously an atrocious shot, but he also didn’t have a ton of time to get it up.

  28. Maybe don’t run the clock down and get locked down by Jordan fucking Clarkson Kawhi and Russ wont have to crash the boards and put up a rushed last second shot.

  29. SonicBroom51

    It seriously looks like he hurt his knee and THEN got on the ground.

  30. WorkOutThrowAway01

    If you’re hating on WB for this you’ve never played ball. He’s getting a board and a shot off. Should he let the other team get it? Y’all wild.

  31. robot2468

    Unpopular opinion but I think he got on his knees just to brace for the end result of the game, not because the ball left Westbrook’s hands. It was a high stakes moment.

  32. Sunshine145

    This was more on Kawhi for wasting too much time.

  33. SlowmoSauce

    Kawhi mad at himself for fucking around and blowing that last possession. Nothing to do with Westbrook.

  34. Sad_Escape2025

    Russ was tryna get it out of his hands as fast as possible, you guys act like he would’ve airballed like that normally.

  35. dontnobodyknow

    Lol what’s Russ supposed to do? Pass? Not enough time Board Man

  36. You hear about players with a soft touch when they shoot the ball. Russ is at the complete opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to that.

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