@New York Knicks

Here’s what the MSG court will look like for the In-Season Tournament. What do you think?

Here’s what the MSG court will look like for the In-Season Tournament. What do you think?

by dtc_brock


  1. dtc_brock

    I want to know how you guys feel because IMO, this might be the worst thing to touch the MSG floor since Andrea Bargnani

  2. Mattyboy408

    I like it, just something different. If they could do this, then why can’t they go back to how they did the Finals also

  3. I really liked last year’s black/orange court that looked like it was for Halloween but turned out it wasn’t.

    As for the dupe lettering… I read that the idea is that it spells “New York, New York”. Funny TIL.

  4. cricket9818

    Too much orange

    If it was nornal color court at the edges and then it faded into orange near center court, I’d dig it

    This is an assault on the eyes

  5. Garish colors should only be accents. Switch the blue and orange

  6. Matthaeu_

    I dont get why theyre promoting this in season tournament so hard. Nobody cares about it even the players

  7. sammg2000

    It just hit me that the double-vision “New York” is supposed to represent “New York, New York.” Typical City design, really: So obsessed with finding a cute way to represent the local culture that they totally ignore any sense of taste or cleanliness.

    I actually don’t hate the orange as much as others because i don’t think it will look like this deep of a color on TV.

  8. it feels like they made it as garish as possible to distract from any discussion about the weird in season tournament

  9. RealSteveScaf

    Trash. Looks like a concept someone here would post and ask what we all think lol.

  10. Holiday-Ad-4654

    I think they’re trying to blind us so we won’t notice Ju’s turnovers

  11. The_SqueakyWheel

    Im intrigued. Theres a lot of orange though

  12. can we just bring adidas back as jersey and court designers bc nikes just not it

  13. porkchopsdapplesauce

    Orange is one of my fav colors but that’s too much for me.

  14. OneThousandDegrees

    They’re really pushing the double new york thing. Which would be whatever but it fuckin hurts the eyes. But that could be a me thing

  15. finalfourcuse

    They had a team go through ideas and this is what they decided on? How do I get a job doing bullshit?

  16. Design is actually pretty nice, but definitely needs less orange.

  17. If this is real I will officially accept being old and wish for just one season of everything going back to normal. Just give me the classic court and one set of home and one set of away jerseys…enough of this shit.

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