@Toronto Raptors

Raptors court for the in-season tournament games

Raptors court for the in-season tournament games

by 1q8b


  1. FallenLemur

    Thats actually kinda nice, cool that they’re changing it up for the tournament. Wish they would have somehow incorporated the purple and the Dino though.

  2. cursed-lie

    How they have these courts but can’t bring back the Larry OB on the court for finals games??

  3. IntroductionNearby71

    how tf did we get stuck with gold as a secondary color? legit so garbage

  4. lillithfair98

    It’s definitely cleaner than some of the others. Really Nets vibes but for just a few games a year totally fine with trying new things to mix it up a bit.

  5. absolutkaos

    well that really explains the decisions behind the CITY jersey.

    edit: San Antonio looks like it belongs to the Supersonics

  6. OGnotAnunoby

    Is this supposed to be like champions league? Or like a carbao cup?

  7. midnightmunchiez

    I like the concept, especially in the paint but having a trophy at centre court feels weird considering the Raptors have a v little shot of winning it loll

    Edit: Oh, i just saw that all courts pretty much have the same concept with the trophies. Raptors definitely have one of the best ones then

  8. flow2ebb2flow

    I hope they wear the red uniforms with this, for contrast. I fear they will match too much with the gold/black.

  9. hittinskittles

    I don’t understand how they created an in season tournament and literally made it meaningless. They should’ve attached something worthwhile to winning. It’s hard to excited about jerseys and court designs when the tourney feels like such a poorly thought out marketing gimmick

  10. It’s clean but would have preferred a red or purple

  11. amydancepants

    ohhh, so the city jerseys correspond with these courts. very interesting. I don’t hate it

  12. No_Attorney777

    Are they going to be playing in the city jerseys for the tournament games?

  13. Inallahtent

    I’m sorry, my dudes n dudetes, but shit looks clean.

    It’s dope.

  14. cooldudeman007

    All of these courts are fucking awful. Can they just play on hardwood that looks like hardwood? So we can see the players in contrast to the court? Jeezus

  15. Not a fan, this looks like a high schoolers photoshop assignment. Honestly think the current court with the darker raptors tear patches looks better and far more creative.

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