@Toronto Raptors

The Raptors are wasting Pascal Siakam as a scoring threat. They need to find him more good shots

The Raptors are wasting Pascal Siakam as a scoring threat. They need to find him more good shots

by EarthWarping


  1. Plantedballer

    If his role was reversed with Scottie the headline would be that he’s being passive and needs to get more aggressive. Also that he “has no work ethic”

  2. Siakam should be more impactful regardless. He doesn’t impact the game they way other stars do. It’s not only about making shots. He’s considered a good defender but doesn’t disrupt the game enough to create momentum for his team. He should be a Swiss Army knife that does the little things to help us win.

  3. hoennking502

    Yet Doug was bitching that Scottie was trash and had no work ethic last year. WITH SAME FUCKING ROLE

    This clown is ridiculous


    I’ve been saying this for 3 years, the main issue with our roster is that Pascal and Scottie have a lot of overlap.

    Last year we had Scottie playing as the SG, this year it’s Pascal. In reality both of them are PFs that need to be able to attack the paint to get the rest of their game going.

    I’m not saying they can never work together, but you probably need a backcourt that can space the floor + a floor spacing center.

    But then we have one of the worst guard rotations in the league, a center that can’t even shoot free throws yet alone space the floor. Hell, even OG who is a great floor spacer likes to make cuts to the rim.

    We clearly need a roster shakeup, but seems like the FO is not willing to do that unless they get forced to it.

  5. nin_culus

    Someone in the comments “The teams infatuation with Scottie Barnes cost them FVV last year and looks like it will cost them Pascal this year.” Lmao

  6. jjkiller26

    Schroder getting a lot more usage than expected for a guy of his skill level. I think it’ll balance out soon enough and siakam will get his

  7. Pascal also needs to be more aggressive and do something when he has the ball.

    The offense wasn’t designed around Kawhi back in 2019. We ran our regular offense but when the offense got stagnant we threw the ball to Kawhi to make something happen. Pascal ain’t Kawhi, but he needs to be that guy on this team.

    At the same time our players need to recognize when Pascal has a mismatch, when that happens we need to get him the ball and let him go to work. It seems like the only guy on our team that’s capable of spotting mismatches is Scottie… he’s the only one that routinely throws entry passes to mismatches in the paint whether that’s Pascal or OG. There were a couple of times where we got Coby White switched onto Pascal against the Bulls and failed to capitalize on it, that should be BBQ chicken and a bucket every single time.

    I like the idea of a motion offense but we can’t be passing for the sake of passing, which is something that we’ve done a lot. Sometimes there’s gonna be nothing – if there’s 7-8 seconds on the clock and we haven’t generated anything yet we need to get the ball to our best player which is Pascal.

  8. 3 games in and dementia Dougie is spinning shit already

  9. He needs to be more assertive

    Siakam is basically in the role Barnes was last year yet Barnes was able to insert himself into the offense but Siakam does not have the same level of assertiveness or initiative

    Siakams actual role on the chip team was to be a leaker out on easy fast breaks and a cutter and he just does not do these things he is very excellent at nearly as much

    In our increasingly Barnes centric offense he will need to start doing those things more even if not to the same degree as he did in 2018 and 2019

  10. KrayzieBoneLegend

    I’m gonna wait a little longer before making any observations. I’ve been watching since the start, and it’s been 3 games.

  11. prodigus01

    The last thing we need is Darko-Dennis turning into Nick-Fred.

    Pascal deserves 20 shots at least per game.

  12. Siakam plays a huge part in achieving this. His drive is like a pair of pants up and down.

  13. Hot take. I think pascal should be getting less shots

  14. CaptainIndoCanadian

    They just look a little confused out there. It’s going to take a minute. Scottie gets it, so I don’t doubt P will too.

    They just need to be quicker with everything and that’ll take time. They’re able to get mismatches all over the floor but either don’t recognize it or take too long.

    P also just needs to attack right away. Once him and Poeltl figure it out the offence should be just fine IMO. Give it 20 games. The defence will keep them in games until then anyways.

  15. da_reddit_reader

    Doug Smith is shit. Siakam should be expending his energy on defense rather than being an inefficient offensive player as a number 1. And he also needs to make his FTs when it matters

  16. After-Contribution27

    Siakam has led the team in shot attempts 2 out of the first three games.

    To be sure they need to play out of the post more with their two hubs but this idea that he’s being frozen out is recency bias and I’m sure it would not be as strong if they don’t blow the bulls game and we’re 2-1

  17. They could easily cut Schroders shots by like a third.

  18. passiveparrot

    Are yall sure you want Siakam shooting more? lol

    his efficiency is trash

    I’d rather have him at the 13-15 fga with higher efficiency and picking his shots more

    everytime hes forced to take a shot its a terrible shot we’ve seen this time and time

  19. legolasMightBeADog

    Schroeder’s usage is less than FVV last year, that’s not the problem.

    Scottie’s usage has gone from 20% to 23.3%, right here is the reason why Siakam’s usage is down.

    Also, it’s been 3 games people. Calm down.

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