@San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio Spurs WORSE Than Spurs Fans Thought!?

The Spurs looked dreadful against the Clippers last night, what’s wrong?

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  1. I know we are only 3 games in but I am concerned Wemby will get double teamed (which will cause turnovers) at will if our shooting doesn't get much better. Your thoughts Spurs fans? Thanks for watching and GO SPUS GO!

  2. I don’t care as long as Wemby keeps getting better over the next 2-3 seasons we can pick up some lottery gamers.

    Let’s be reasonable I hope people weren’t thinking we were going to make a splash in the playoffs? Playoffs? Don’t expect to make any playoffs this year and that’s fine we need to let Wemby just simmer this season. Did we win a championship with Timmy in his rookie year? No.

    Also what’s going on here players are trying to impress at the expense of Wemby’s presence. Everything should go through Wemby period. Keldon and Zach need to understand that everything goes through Wemby plain and simple. I give Vassell a pass and rightfully so

    Btw Pop sees this and he’s just watching and waiting and knows who’s going to be the offense. He probably already knows and he’s letting things play out and see who really wants to play defense then he’ll role with those that do will be on the court with Wemby. That will be the best we have and we are going with it. It’s a process we may even pick up some dawgs in the next to drafts to complement Wemby and Vassell

  3. It's not just wemby played bad was the hole team overall I wasn't expecting the spurs to make the playoffs or play in the season that team is way to young I think in two seasons could be a really good team and foward after that can contend for a nba championship that's my point of view.

  4. lol I said we would be in the lottery regardless of wemby ..not just because we are young but teams are just way better … wemby isn’t gonna save the defense .. the offense looks like last years! Why is Zach Collins shooting so much! Why is wemby not getting easy shots! the offense is terrible and it’s the coaching it’s the schemes!

  5. I wouldn't panic, healthy Clippers might be the best team in the league and Lue has a solid bag of tricks. That said, it gives the team a look at what high level NBA basketball looks like and many things to work on. It's a long season.

  6. Love your takes your so emotional. It was always gonna take some time to for these guys to get the systems and each other.
    We are going to better then last year. And pretty close to 30-40 wins… but it’s most the wins will be in the second half of the season

  7. Unfortunately the lottery rules were different back then even when Cleveland got Anthony benet then kyrie

  8. Sochan plays better off the ball. He looks clueless dribbling the ball up the court. I dread seeing him at Point Guard. If Spurs struggle against great defense like what the Clippers did, it may be a long season for us.

  9. That game showed the big difference between a young team vs a very very experienced team. Dallas is not known to be a defensive team (atm), Houston is also a semi-young team. Clippers 3 all-star caliber players and very smart pieces so hence the blow out. Main issues with the team are ball security and the abysmal 3-point shotting. There should also be little-to-no reason to get out-rebounded. They should use their height to their advantage more. They're the youngest team right now so there are plenty of time and chances to grow. Wemby is still adjusting to the NBA gameplay but he also needs to be more aggressive. Also they need to figure out their closing unit. And lastly, defense win games. But the future is bright with this young Spurs team and the only way is up!!!

  10. …i think pop wants to tank again…younger pop would have a real PG on the floor and a spark plug guy off the bench…we have that in tre and keldon…tre needs to start and keldon needs to be that spark off the bench…and playing wemby 25-26 minutes is not going to cut he needs at least 33-35 mpg for the spurs to get a chance to win games…how can wemby get in any rhythm playing 5 minutes then getting subbed in the 1st quarter…PG sochan should of happened last year…I knew the only way this team would suck is if pop would try to tank again and he's doing…somehow pop will talk wemby into thinking that the rookie of the year award doesn't matter…so far Collins has been real bad on defense everybody has except wemby and tre…pop is saying all the right things to throw us off of what he really is doing…tanking…with cap space this off season and nothing to show for it… proves to me that we're tanking again…

  11. The Spurs are definitely better than the team that showed up last night. Perhaps Pop should stop experimenting in the next game or so, as much fun as it has been. The starting lineup is not working at all.

  12. I’ve made my opinions known how I feel about Zach in the live stream but we need someone who’s specializing in on the ball defense and a playmaking PG until they consider actually doing a mid season trade (that we never do) I think another losing season would be best GSG

  13. I really don't like our starting lineup.. dont like keldon starting or Jeremy.. I think keldon should come off the bench and we need a true point guard.. don't like Jeremy in that role

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