@Portland Trail Blazers

The absolute state of our sub right now

Chill the fuck out y’all, we’re at the beginning of a rebuild.

by The_Boregonian


  1. “Damnit grumble grumble Chauncey grumble grumble (insert complaint repeated verbatim as truth) grumble grumble”

  2. Logical_Resolution39

    At this point theres more people saying “chill out guys… its a rebuild… chill out guys… hes only 19” then people actually freaking out. Just saying.

  3. Dusty_Negatives

    Yeah reading people “we need to trade everyone”. Lmao. We already did and that’s why we suck. Par for the course. I’m sure the majority of those fans are younger and don’t remember the dark days before BROY showed up. It’ll get better.

  4. Green_with_Zealously

    I’m considering unsubscribing. The level of knee-jerk-nephew mindset is really unbearable.

  5. ProfessionalOwl691

    I mean there were ppl in here that legit thought we could sneak into the playins lol

  6. Yeah people in this sub need to chill. This is our reality for probably the next 2 seasons. It will get better or at least Jodi will have to sell the team to a real owner.

    Enjoy Dame’s run on the Bucks and just chill on the blazers.

  7. Berch_Berkins

    This sub has been nothing bad whining recently. Used to be able to talk to folks but now everything is just irrationally angry.

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