@Miami Heat

posted by jimmy’s friend on twitter then deleted

posted by jimmy’s friend on twitter then deleted

by SudTheThug


  1. realudonishaslem

    Man I wonder if this implies Jimmy being frustrated with the organizaion..

  2. Cheesy_Pita_Parker

    Should’ve just owned it culture… not a fan of deleting like a bitch culture

  3. lomasturbasmeng

    i wonder what the FO would pick, planning ahead for the bam era or doing what is necessary to get jimmy his ring

  4. Sleepylimebounty

    You have to talk shit for leverage so good move by him. What I will say.. before we all forget. We were never gonna get Dame. Cronin didn’t even communicate with the heat before pulling the trigger on overall lesser value. Harden doesn’t match with our front office goals and had no desire to play here so that’s also a bust. Realistically who or what else is on the market that can help the team win now? We’re stuck where we are(ECF champ ceiling **with heavy injuries**) unless one of our younger guys gets A LOT better.

  5. Repulsive-Slice2234

    First Spo and then Jimmy’s camp. They need to go straight to Pat Riley / Obese Elisburg and tell them to do their damn job.

  6. Did everybody forget Lowry? We traded for his best friend, because he’s his best friend? It sucks that it didn’t work out but we almost won 3 straight ECF’s, so lets also not act like this team is a failure.

  7. Yeah because every other team he’s been on won conference finals and made the championship…. He’s sorta has a point but let’s not act like they didn’t trade for Lowry solely because of Butler

  8. CertifiedRomeoBoy

    Maybe he should tell his friend about playing the regular season like he gives a damn culture instead

  9. Global33_to_Idlewild

    Alternate take: he’s making fun of the fan base

  10. GrogRhodes

    Jimmy being frustrated would be hilarious given the god damn Kyle Lowry contract that we’ve been crippled with.

    That said this is all noise.

  11. TheRatchetTrombone

    Fucking Christ.
    4 games in and the emotions are worse than last year -_-

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