@National Basketball Association

Lebron daps up all the Clippers starters at mid-court except for Russell Westbrook, who waits under the basket for him to finish

Lebron daps up all the Clippers starters at mid-court except for Russell Westbrook, who waits under the basket for him to finish

by AashyLarry


  1. Vexing_Pie

    Nice to see Lebron has friendly relationships with 80% of the Clippers starting lineup

  2. TomLikesHam

    Aren’t they boys too? No way the Lakers stint ruined that friendship lol

  3. FudgeDangerous2086

    They’re friends lol they hang out on IG all the time

  4. crackhousebob_

    It does look like he was purposely avoiding LeBron. Westbrook was glancing over through the corner of his eye then looking away.

  5. Cmon man he’s not gnna go all the way down the court to Dap him up plus russ is always near the rim before tip off

  6. Danatomatowhite

    you guys are reading into this too much, watch someone post them dapping it up after the game

  7. Smellmyhand

    I don’t think Russ does that with any opposing players. He’s been very vocal about not having any friends on the court

  8. This isn’t anything at all. Westbrook is well known for not greeting opposing teams in pre-game even if they’re friends. heard thunder players and media say he treats everyone like enemies.

  9. JetsStreeg

    Westbrook has always been like this with opposing teams

  10. WiickedSF

    honestly i wish he was on my team, i just love how petty he is.

  11. Dumb post. They are still friends and have been seen hanging out together multiple times. Same with Russ and KD.

    Russ is just like Rondo or KG and not going to be as buddy buddy during the game as other players.

  12. orphanfeast

    These are the story lines we come here for people!

    God, I missed the NBA!
    Let’s go!

  13. ouiallezallez

    Russ does this often before tipoff. When off-court, he’s good vibes with a lot of players such as Bron & Co., but when on-court he starts to reminiscence and seek revenge.

  14. TonyTonyChopper

    Don’t they live in the same neighborhood now?

  15. Goes to show how shit r/nba has got with this being near the top of the sub

  16. LeBron always shows good sportsmanship. When he wins.

  17. ganja_fiend

    This is how you know dudes don’t watch the games because he did this on the Lakers too lol

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