@Chicago Bulls

Besides letting Butler go is this actually the biggest mistake in the last 10 years?

Besides letting Butler go is this actually the biggest mistake in the last 10 years?

by redditappsucksbigly


  1. HiddenNinja631

    Biggest mistake was winning the coin toss that kept us from getting Doncic lol

  2. volantredx

    Hiring Eggman was the biggest mistake in 10 years. Letting Butler go at least was justified for the same reason people want to trade DeMar and Zach. The team was not working and Jimmy was too good to ensure a high pick but not able to do it all by himself.

  3. sonicshumanteeth

    Neither of these mistakes were as big as the Vuc trade.

  4. flameo_hotmon

    Imo, it was failing to sign or trade for a solid SG/SF in that offseason and instead we ended up adding Niko and Pau when we already had Jo and Taj. Then of course we draft Portis the following offseason.

  5. I_only_post_here

    Every move the Chicago Bulls make is worse than the previous move.

    So, when you see the Chicago Bulls make a move, you are seeing them make the worst move in their entire life

  6. stache_twista

    I say it’s firing Thibs and replacing him with Fred Hoiberg. That was the beginning of the end. And it was made 100% because of GarPax’s ego and pride (not that Thibs didn’t have an ego too).

    Thibs has big (maybe even fatal) flaws but his teams always play hard and win games.

    Let’s assume GarPax keeps Thibs after 2015 but still lets go of D.Rose, Gasol and Joakim in 2016 and replaces them with Wade and Rondo.

    Thibs and the 3 alphas, even with that fucked up roster construction, would have beat Boston in 2017. Then we keep Jimmy. Then we’d still have a good coach and a legit top 10 player to build around.

  7. Tom_Brady_Cheats

    Trading Butler for Zach Lavine makes me ill. One day I’ll wake up and Lavine will be moved though. Will be the best day the Franchise has had since D Rose hit that game winner against Cleveland almost 9 years ago.

  8. chitownbulls92

    Worst decision was Boylen by far. Followed by secretly extending Donovan

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