@National Basketball Association

[Andrews] “Last year we had an awful team as far as chemistry goes,” Green said. “It was hard to come to work. Not fun. So this year you see the joy on guys’ faces when they come into the building.

>You got guys staying over two to three hours just talking. Getting two to three hours early just to be here. You start to see that, and you’re like, ‘OK, this is a group that likes to be together.

>”You understand the vibe of what happened last year. … The time we got to spend together as a group was huge,” Curry said. “We could get the elephants out of the room of [Paul] joining the team, some other vets that we had coming in. … It helped to have some familiarity with everybody’s personalities and motivations going into the year.”

>”We got size, we got depth, we got ball handlers, we got shooters, we got defenders,” Green said. “I can walk in that locker room and look around and know when it comes down to the end, we’re going to have a shot at it. That’s all you can ask for.”

>”You can see the adults in the room, the professionals in the room, the steady forces in the room. It’s paying off,” Green said. “Look at our second unit. At times they’ve played better than our first unit. … I always tell guys you win championships six through 10, not one through five.”

>Curry added: “Even though we’re not playing perfect basketball, there’s a nice cohesion and chemistry and trust in whoever is out there.”

>Draymond added: “[Last year] our chemistry sucked. … But it was a one-year thing, it was an anomaly. But we’re right back where we need to be.”

by EarthWarping


  1. musicnothing

    He’s being intentionally dense at this point

  2. BetweenTheBuzzAndMe

    I get that Poole was probably annoying but come on Draymond has to realize his actions were part of the chemistry issues

  3. Uberballer

    “Ain’t no fun when you can’t sucker punch a teammate without some codebreaker filming you!”

    -Draymond probably

  4. PusseySleigher

    Cmon they dont need to talk about James Wiseman that bad now…

  5. WeHereForYou

    Poole’s immaturity was obviously an issue, but talking like Draymond wasn’t the direct cause of the breakdown in their chemistry is wild.

  6. kapatinphalcon

    Why are they doubling, tripling down on this shit? We get it, the Warriors don’t hold players accountable in general. They wanted Poole to just overcome getting clocked by his teammate for the greater good.

  7. Mother_Fix231

    CMV: Steve Kerr ordered the “code red” on Poole

  8. EbenezerAD

    Does anyone, other than Warriors fans, actually like Draymond?

  9. chivestheconqueror

    “So this year you can see the joy on guys’ [unbattered] faces”

  10. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Yeah as long you dont punch somebody this year dray we good

  11. Never forget when Kerr got asked about Draymond punching Poole in the face he basically said “Well Draymond didn’t punch him for no reason” lmao


    Doesn’t help when his teammates and organization know he was wrong but have to be on his side since Draymond has been a core piece for this team for years.

  13. pineapplesmile99

    Draymond finally figured out that people are nicer when he doesn’t punch them

  14. No_Revolution_1348

    Maybe Poole had it coming, but quoting the guy who tried to punch his teammate in the face as saying “being able to recognize the adults in the room” is fucking hilarious to me. 😆😆

  15. Ill_Celery_7654

    I don’t understand how the guy who got Superman punched in his face still manages to get so much hate. Sure Dray was just doing what everyone else wanted to do, but the public humiliation that Poole had to endure from getting man handled like that should be enough. Not to mention by a man 10 years older than him.

  16. BigMik_PL

    Green pulling off an upset by sucker punching a mfer and getting all his boys to back him to take the heat off him and trying to make Pool look like he was the problem.

    Maybe if he didn’t do the same shit to KD I would have believed him too.

    Warriors feel like a total frat house at the moment if you are not one of the boys or eat shit with a grin on your face, you fucked.

  17. I wonder if you punching a teammate had anything to do with killing the vibes….

  18. alexredekop

    It’s almost like Draymond still doesn’t take any responsibility.

  19. mcknightrider

    Green: last year we FUCKING HATED THAT SCUMBAG JORDAN POOLE! This year, it’s different

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