@Milwaukee Bucks

Adrian Griffin: “Sometimes as coaches we’re too smart for our own selves. A couple players came to me – I won’t disclose (them) – they wanted Brook deeper in a drop. I was smart enough to listen to them and it paid off tonight.”

It’s so cool to see a coach willing to listen and try stuff. It might not look good at the beginning but it’s a marathon not a race. Can’t wait for this team to gel.

by sabertooth753


  1. Scelidotheriidae

    Baby steps, I guess. I like the attitude as much as I am disappointed by how unprepared the team was on defense to start the season.

    A little worrisome to hire a coach based on his reputation for defensive acumen only for it to take only a couple games to realize coaching defense may actually be his biggest weakness as a coach.

  2. I’m choosing to view this as a positive thing regarding Griffin’s openness to adjusting. But hearing it during the postgame, my first thought was why in the world would this be something needing to be suggested by players.

  3. ConceptMajestic9156

    I asked my mum “How much is a couple?” “2 or 3” she replied.

    Probably explains why her marriage collapsed.

  4. I get that it is nice that he admitted he was wrong and stuff and made adjustments…but like…this is was so obviously and egregiously awful, that you don’t get credit for changing something that never should’ve happened in the first place. You especially don’t get credit when players had to come to you to tell you how bad it was….I get that he wants to try something new, but it was obvious after 1 game, let alone 4, that this was not going to work. I still remember when Brook Lopez was considered one of the worst defenders in the league, the Bucks turned him into one of the best, by playing him around the rim. There is no excuse for not understanding the personnel on your team.

  5. 1antinomy

    He’s a puppet on the sidelines & has no clue what he’s doing

    We didn’t hire a new coach just to let the players decide things

  6. Brogdon_Brogdon

    It’s fair to try a scheme to see how it works early on in the season, I’m hopeful we can find a happy middle ground between the drop defense we ran under bud and something more aggressive that gets opponents off-balance.

  7. I take this as a good thing.

    Those of us who are Packers fans have been going nuts for a couple *years* when the corners play 10 yards off on 3rd and 2. *And it keeps happening* even though players have even talked about it publicly.

    If he’s willing to listen that’s great. If he’s always deferring to players that won’t be good. But it remains to be seen obviously.

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