@Chicago Bulls

It’s Going A Be A Long Season For The Chicago Bulls

Haize reacts to the Bulls loss to the Brooklyn Nets


  1. Don't get it, Down the stretch, tight game, easy baskets ,My opinion ,Vuch,Vuch,Vuch.

  2. It’s a talented basketball team who should work on taking care of their offensive possessions. On the defensive side, they are fine. Rebounding is fine. Attention to detail is so important in the modern NBA.

  3. 8:18 AKME?! 😆 😆

    Sorry, y'all. I'm a Nets fan coming over from Locked on Nets, and that's the first time I've heard that acronym.

    I have a friend who is a lifelong Bulls fan. He tells me ownership won't care about the results of the team because 6 Rings keeps fans' financial support.

    I feel your pain. My team has no championships to compare ourselves, but I hope y'all chance course sooner than later and blow it up for a complete rebuild

  4. The lack of replacing Ball and unfulfilled PF postion continues to put the Bulls at a disadvantage.

  5. How we lose to these bums . Same core players same results . I see this team finishing 9th or 10th in the east as usual . Zach is the Bulls best trading chip . Pull the trigger .

  6. Call it like you see it no rotation of defense. You got players that don't play defense like Demar and Zach. And then you have Zach choking towards the end on shooting. Someone needs to tell Zack. Stop worrying about the referees and play The Game. He sounds like Carlos boozer Yelling all the time You can't tell me Zack didn't choke towards the end.

  7. CEO Haize, I want to preface my question by stating I did not see the game.
    So if The Nets are missing key players, why on earth did Vuc only get 13 shot attempts? Were The Nets scheming to keep the ball out of his hands?
    Yeah, looks like we may have a tough season. Still early but it’s leaning there.

  8. Zach Lavine is a dog but it’s clear demar and vooch are the problem they are both soft asf and can’t defend, they don’t win 50/50 balls and get burned every possession. Trade them for young dawgs who wanna hoop

  9. No way the bulls let demar walk in free agency, especially with lonzo maybe coming back next year

  10. Pat looked good when he subbed for demar and played with the staters as the 3 while Craig was in there at the 4. Trade demar and give him a chance to play his natural position. Let pat get in a flow and develop.

  11. Bones is definitely not better that Coby. I've watched a lot of Bones minutes and bulls fans would hate him. Terrible defense, iso deep 3s like he thinks he's Trae, and struggles to do anything other than sometimes score. Sure he has potential but I'd argue Coby has shown more potential

    I say all this to say I get it we're desperate as bulls fans so I won't hate 🤣

  12. AK did everything to transform this team from the bottom up. Great, ty for the change. Now it's time to take a new direction with this big three/head coach. I feel like we are going to constantly see close game losses more than wins because the league seems to have gotten better around us.

  13. Again ZL was horrible in his shot selection down the stretch not counting the final
    shot. I talked to you before the season that this team was not deep enough or coached well enough to be competitive even against less then top
    tier talent. We lost to Dallas when Irving didn’t dress and last night it took everything we had even with both those players from Brooklyn out.

    Your analysis is spot on just don’t see anything changing.
    Also agree with the lack of effort just like the Bears down the stretch.

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