@Los Angeles Lakers

Starting 5 against the Heat?

– Lebron (SF)
– AD (C)
– DLO (PG)
– Prince (SG)
– Wood (PF)

by gbcolor2024


  1. NotTheMamba

    This would be ideal. Reaves can man the second unit. He’s almost wasted starting next to LBJ. More of a play maker than a spread the floor guy.

  2. Cristian888

    This should be our starting lineup with the occasional Prince for Vando swap depending on if the other team has an elite SG/wing that needs guarding (e.g. Kawhi/Luka/Tatum). Would limit our offense more, but the other 4 players are all very capable on offense so we should be fine

  3. why not switching dlo for AR as Dlo seems to perform at home only?

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