@National Basketball Association

I came [to Miami] for one reason, to win championships,” James said. “That was my only goal. That was the only reason I teamed up with Wade and Bosh. Because I felt like I couldn’t do it in Cleveland. We couldn’t. … I tried to recruit guys to come to Cleveland—help upstairs, it wasn’t happening

“I came here for one reason and one reason only, and that was to win championships,” James said. “That was my only goal. That was the only reason I teamed up with [Dwyane] Wade and [Chris] Bosh. Because I felt like I couldn’t do it in Cleveland. We couldn’t. … I tried to recruit guys to come to Cleveland. I tried to go and help the upstairs and it wasn’t happening. So I had an opportunity to be a free agent so I did what I thought was best, not only for my career but for me at that point in time.”

by sewsgup


  1. crystalpoliceman

    I was wondering about that. I always thought it was to further his brand.

  2. Then why not come to Chicago? Better roster, better coach (at the time), two slots for you+either Wade or Bosh.


  3. CanaryContent9900

    To be fair, who would want to live in Cleveland?

  4. dagreenman18

    Well yeah we know. Also tracks that you can’t recruit guys to play in Cleveland without winning some rings. Taking the next step in Miami is the reason why he won in Cleveland when he went back.

  5. Sea_Negotiation_1871

    Oh, so that’s why he made that Decision. Who could have guessed?

  6. southpawsouthpaw

    Absolute liar

    He rejected JJ Hickson for Amar’e Stoudemire

    He begged the front office to get an old Shaq instead of signing other pieces

    There are other things I can point to.

    Point is, him having little help in Cleveland was partially his fault

    Revisionist history at its finest

  7. GoogleMeChuxk

    He’s the one who demanded old Shaq and denied the trade for Amare. Gtfo trying to rewrite history and manipulate the dynamic

  8. CabbageStockExchange

    “Fun times in Cleveland today! Still Cleveland!”

  9. throwawayjoeyboots

    It was the perfect storm.

    I’m sure it didn’t hurt that after spending his entire life in freezing Cleveland, he had the opportunity to team up with superstars for 4 years in tropical Miami.

    He wasn’t gonna team up with Wade and Bosh in Milwaukee or Memphis.

  10. Thorlolita

    I still think it would have been wild if all 3 went to the Knicks.

  11. lets_talk_basketball

    When they wouldn’t include JJ hickson in a trade package for Amare Stoudemire, everyone knew Bron was gonna leave

  12. Active_Page_3886

    To be mid 20s, live in paradise, be around your best friends, and win championships vs stay in Cleveland with Mo Williams.

    Gosh what a tough decision

  13. star_nerdy

    Also, Florida has no state income tax. They could team up elsewhere, but they would have had to pay taxes.

  14. This was known. I guess he never said it explicitly because maybe he was embarrassed. Ring chasing and super teams are a little more common now so he can just say the quiet part out loud

  15. SolarClipz

    If Bron stayed in Cleveland, and maybe got lucky to end with one ring like Dirk, his hyped career would have been a failure

    That’s for every idiot out there saying otherwise.

  16. PoopyButtholePooersn

    Dude is so full of shit and such a pro at patting his own back lol

  17. Dubonthetrac

    Can’t believe he only got 2 out of 4 they should’ve 4 peated with that talent.

  18. Winter_Current9734

    The luck to be drafted into a good market can not be overestimated.

  19. He waited until he was a free agent and then teamed up with some other top players in order to win championships. Sounds like a snake move to me.

  20. It is impressive how this quote about a decade + ago has gotten some individuals very riled up. Some people have some insane triggers.

  21. No one would come to Cleveland because he wouldn’t commit to staying there.

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