@Los Angeles Lakers

The NBA refs doing their best to get this man to quit.

The NBA refs doing their best to get this man to quit.

by BigCO9


  1. DarkPhantom2497

    I’m started to be convinced, they are sending a message to
    LeBron that it’s time to usher in a new era. They are trying to make it increasingly frustrating for him because the league is trying to market new players and have them become the face. It’s not really a good look on the league that no one is capable of taking the reigns from LeBron due to his overwhelming greatness and also he has been the face for 15 years and is still the face now.

    Shit is incredibly unfair to LeBron and the Lakers that they aren’t giving him/them fair calls. This is really not a far fetched conspiracy after familiarizing yourself with Tim Donaghy but also making notes of examples where this has literally happened such as LeBron not receiving a foul call on his last second attempt layup against the Nuggets in Game 4 of the WCF last year or the blatantly missed call from Eric Lewis when we played the Celtics last season.

    From a marketing standpoint, the NBA is uncertain of its identity as a product after LeBron retires (it will probably be Wemby who they ultimately give the keys to though). Still, it would be risky and also be an undesireable situation to allow him to retire as still the face of the league while they try to find someone else to take the mantle after his retirement. So I think they are currently trying to prepare for the new face and the league’s new identity now while LeBron is still playing; instead of having and trying to figure it out later down the road.

    Hopefully I’m wrong though and this isn’t actually true at all.

  2. Hazzardous1990

    Definitely odd how they referee arguably a top 2 player of all time like a rookie… and it’s blatant

  3. naijaamericano

    This is dumb conspiracy talk. Refs are human, and Lebron also isn’t one to sell contact.

  4. If you’ve watched Lebron before he was a laker this is the tale of the last decade for him.

  5. Ill_Celery_7654

    The NBA isn’t ready for a league without Lebron.

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