@Houston Rockets

The Dunk-stronaut is absolutely FIRE. Why don’t we make this our new logo?

The Dunk-stronaut is absolutely FIRE. Why don’t we make this our new logo?

by Slappajack


  1. TSkipers

    I think it’s cool too, but for a logo it’s a bit too much for me.

  2. ST012Mi

    I hope they’re saving something special for our true logo.

  3. lambopanda

    Not the Rockets and Astros collap I was hoping for. It’s still nice.

  4. Oso-Sic

    My kids want a T-shirt of it. Only thing I can find is adults.

  5. RTLT512

    I don’t think it should be our logo (I think it’s a little too busy), but I want to switch to this court, color scheme, and jerseys.

  6. YellowRobeSmith

    The Rockanaught is pretty out of this world.

  7. AdmirableRise3758

    Its too cool to be our primary smh

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