@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron James PROVES Why Lakers’ Big Lineup WORKS

The Lakers have been seeing most of their success come with bigger lineups on the floor, including Christian Wood in the mix with LeBron James and Anthony Davis. What is it that makes this group work so well? Trevor Lane breaks down LeBron’s explanation…

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  1. Lakers should start Wood and bench Reaves so he can be the focal point in the 2nd Unit.

    C – Wood
    C/F – AD
    F – Vando
    F – Bron
    G – DLo

    C – Hayes
    F – Rui
    F – Cam
    G – AR
    G – Gabe

  2. We've been calling for bigger lineups and 'twin towers' for so long it's not funny, and now we're finally getting them, oh wow, they're working lol. I know coaching isn't easy, and I love Ham, but come on dude, please keep these bigger combos comin! Can't WAIT to see what this team can do when we've got a full squad back again! #SAYNOTOSMALLBALL! 🙂

  3. Ad been said he preferred to be on the floor with another big. They finally are listening and things are looking good. They should have been listened.

  4. All you guys should apply for coaching jobs. Knowing that C-Wood and AD would be great together because they are just big. Wood has played great defense on perimeters so it works.

  5. This team has always performed better with two bigs on the floor at the same time. For whatever reason they want to have AD as the only big out there.

  6. Just posted this on "As It Stands" but wanted to posted on "Laker Nation" as well

    There Is no consistent 3rd player, until Lakers trade for a 3rd star player while having Queen Bron and Soft AD there will never be a 3rd consistent player … Now I love everyone out side of AD and Bron because I'm a hater and yes I'm saying and have said this from the start never wanted Bron/AD …

    Game to game there will be a different 3rd player Lakers have – Reaves, DLO, Rui, Vando, Max, Wood ETC, Etc…

    who all can be a 3rd star player … But neither are consistent enough on a game to game basis.

    "IMO" I think lakers need to make a trade that Includes Trae Young that doesn't Include AD/Reaves Post Bron …

    Trea Young gives you "Kobe Like Numbers" 20+5+5 on a regular basis … Lakers "IMO" need to go all In on T.Young that doesn't Include AD/Reaves Post Bron…

    Now a lot of you are gonna say Trae Young Is a liability on Defense, but isn't DLO??? Like WTF and who Is better Young/Dlo??? Prove me wrong.

    I would go as far as offering Atlanta

    Lakers out; Dlo, Rui, Vando, + a couple pics whether 2nd or 1st round for

    Atlanta out: Trae Young … Yes Trae Young

    This Is post Bron I'm talking about…

    Now a lot of you gonna say this about each player

    Vando; Our best on ball defense player, pfft he can't score It's that simple you either get a scorer or defensive player

    Rui; You either get a Scorer or no defense or very little

    Dlo; Let's be real with Dlo he gonna be trade bait for LEGM come trade deadline

    Pic; have Lakers really cared or held onto pics In the long run? like really who cares about pics.

    So IMO you get …. Trae Young who averages 20, 5,5 roughly on a game to game basis rather then Inconsistent 3rd players you get a consistent 3rd player In Trae Young

    Go all In on Trae Young when you can 🙂


  7. Defense side it adds length and a extra safety net if AD fails on offense end opens up the paint for AD and LeBron to work out because wood can actually stretch the floor

  8. AD should really be at the PF position. He can roam around defensively when he is a 4. Hayes and Wood should get most of the center minutes.

  9. Having CWood with AD creates mismatches. They are interchangeable, both can play either C or PF. Both can play perimeter defense. And the most important thing is giving AD the help or breathing room in rebounding and defense, which lessen his burning out through the season.

  10. Thats why ham should start C.Wood he shows good defense and offense alongside davis and lebron

  11. THE LAKERS' LAST CHAMPIONSHIP WAS WON WITH A CENTER BESIDE A.D & BRON… DUH???!!!! Then they blew it up and went small with a 3 or 4 guard line-up… 🙄🙄🙄 😂✌️

  12. Shock! Who would have thought having solid centers would help them win…. It’s not like the front office knew this from the bubble a few years ago.

  13. That's because Ham is trash!! Lebron shouldn't have to keep bailing us out. Run more plays for Austin and Wood. Make Cam a defensive stopper. He did well on PG.

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