@Houston Rockets

Rockets on today’s Lowe Post podcast. We are so back 🚀

It’s been a long time since we’ve been in the national spotlight.

by Rocket-Bru


  1. Yup. Lowe mostly speaks positive about Al-P from the get go of Al-P’s career

  2. venitienne

    Fuckin finally. Can’t tell you how frustrating it was that none of the national reporters ever had anything to say about us other than a monthly article about how we were trash

  3. WuziMuzik

    Sengun has improved more than his fans realize. He has clearly put in a lot of work getting in better shape and improving his defense. And he will continue to get better.

    Which is why he and the other young players should be getting the credit right now for all the improvements they have been making over these past years now. This is just the fruit of their labor barely starting to show. There is a lot udoka should already be praised for. And later like at the end of the season or in some years. Then talking about his impact on development would be good to look at.

    But fans don’t need to credit him for all the work these young players have been grinding for years to get to. I said it at the end of last season and I’ll say it again. Sengun now would destroy rookie sengun. He put in the work! And he can still raise his ceiling, by continuing to improve his conditioning and strength.

  4. jgw_geneseo

    Can someone post what Lowe said in his 10 things article about Sengun? It’s an ESPN+ article and I don’t subscribe.

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