@Dallas Mavericks

Hey r/Mavericks. I’m a Clippers fan who makes an NBA-related doodle series called “Good Vibes Janky Drawing”. Here’s the one for our game today!

Hey r/Mavericks. I’m a Clippers fan who makes an NBA-related doodle series called “Good Vibes Janky Drawing”. Here’s the one for our game today!

by lolwtferic


  1. lolwtferic

    chatgpt david attenborough:

    *Ah, here in the vibrant arena, we find ourselves witnesses to a captivating display of athleticism and finesse, a phenomenon rarely observed in the wild world of basketball. Behold, the mesmerizing court dance of two titans, James Harden and Luka Doncic, engaged in an intricate euro-stepping mating ritual. Harden, with his signature beard flowing like the plumage of an exotic bird, takes nimble strides, his footwork a testament to years of evolution. Meanwhile, young Doncic, a prodigious talent, elegantly mimics his elder’s movements, creating a mesmerizing duet of agile footwork. The rhythmic exchange of feints and spins seems almost choreographed, an elaborate performance to impress and dominate. As the shot clock winds down, the mating dance reaches its climax with a dazzling finish at the rim. Truly, the court becomes a theater of nature, where the language of basketball transcends competition and transforms into a spectacle of beauty and skill.*


    have a good game yall


    also, if you want to check out more of my artwork, you can follow me on ig:

  2. Jcarter1632

    Thanks for sharing šŸ‘šŸ» Enjoy the game!

  3. redditaccount-5

    I would say you shouldā€™ve made one of them playing defense, but letā€™s be realā€¦

  4. You maybe a clippers fan but I enjoy this art so you get a pass

  5. This little guy thinks itā€™s really cute, I admire the time you put in for the different levels of shading and I like your animation styleā€¦ following.

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